Show vi 1 NOTICE ZO TO CREDITORS H sta of fl eorge S smith decea deceased ased credi i atom will present claims with voiK voil lieis chers to lo the i at tho onico of william E white at lwy lav Marys Alary valc utaji gutaj ou on or before it lay y of mircha D 1903 1215 12 15 I 1 william 11 estate of georg acor li I 1 smith deceased cased E white and E 12 at torn Qs f P ojata ennst atif ast 1st raib enli november 21 A D 1902 q ANNUAL stockholders MEETING f th the e stockholders of tile the banner sold Voni ran pany whose pr Ilace toT business is utah and whose mines lil liles abc 0 located in cold mountain IL strict chite county utah notice Nott cais Is hereby that the annual inece i stockholders of the banner G bold old t company i corporation will by be held at atthe the office of tile hie coin coni piny pany at plute county cuili UL on oil monday the lay day of E december becci tibor so p at it 10 a lit for tile purpose of kofl 0 1 defecting officers oll leers for alio following year and 2 jor the lite purpose of transacting acting any other amsi ices lalay lawfully lawf lilly como butkie said macut illg liy by order of L 1 it II I 1 pres I quor mcw secy tast nov auh 1 13 au bast publication catlon dee dec ath ass NOTICE ayi irria lation company location of 01 pi place ace of business ciro leville flute ciuta coulty Cou uty atall notice JS otice is s hereby give nt a niec ting of the derea directors tors held on oil kllc alst lay day of 0 november Nov omber I 1 aam nit an assessment ot of fohr fourteen teen 0 it acts per share was ivas levied an all the capital stock of the corporation at once i to john 11 ful fill ilmar dmar secretary and tre aurer taurer of sald said company at his onic in ili Cir circleville cleville pluto Co county tintY utah any Ally stock upon ahn f may inay i reni aln unpaid on oil tile loth day dav oc 0 december 19 avill 0 vill je 1 tell enquen tand advert advertised for salo ille nt at public auction ind unless dayment is mado before will be sold on oil the ara 3rd day of january 1903 to pay tile delinquent together ath the cost of advertising z abid 11 ll i join john if 11 Ful bulliner liner secretary 1114 llly location of anici Cir circleville cleville atall notice df 61 forfeiture of ciali Utah of pinte D 1502 0 ni o ca 1 L t Y you yon are arc hereby fled that the peri tic sur uese gold gola 0 Coni company pany a corp corporation oratio 11 or under tho tit las lams of 0 the of butali ut ill its principal in salt balc city utah and branch office in fit marysvale Marys Alary vale pluto PI aitto county comity butali lias expended expend ud onu one hundred dollars in i babor and upon the lerono ler jno manu mining ing clabin in order to hold said pi un dei th the e provisions of section 2324 revised stat antes of the united states bein the 1 ic 10 0 milidred ili lii ired dred to hold for tile tho year jt also that gaii said the surprise gold mining Compa kompany ity has expended bahe further sum of oue hundred dred dollars in ili ailabo Habo fAnd and 1 tit upon sall berj lie ammo ing claim in ill order older to hold sald said mi 1111 provisions provi siona of section of rev I 1 SO I 1 st statutes of the united states being thea alic 1 amount I 11 11 tit to hold sald said for uio year end fink december 31 1900 I 1 I 1 and if within vi thin ninety days daya afeei hie service of this notice or within ninety klays days after tills this notice by yon fall eail or refu co to con proportion of such expenditures as c your interest in ili said claim will be become conla alie property of sald said tho puia aie gold alining Alin All ning iii company under sec section 1 l 1324 11 by older of thello alic blaid ard of directors do the derjue gold minilie Con company wany by i iv its pi resident SEA 1 and max krotki roald its secretary H U 22 application FOR PATENT I 1 31 11 A no ao united states land salt sait lake city utah yov nov notice i given that tho park gold company ily its secretary Secre lary autho r 17 ed agent IVE W E kigns ol of salt lake diko city I lali ae application 1 for a united states latent for taw her IIer ules Cules colossus fark bark no 1 pirk alark no 2 band ind fitiles lode ing con coll sistina sisti nR tIg of 10 and 1500 linear respectively of the lodes tiia nud for the park JIUU ditc with acu grou round tal as by alke I 1 pl survey no X ela bt B ea ln ili m baldy mining district diute piute county utai utah i and described in the plat dmd held field notes of survey on oil t lie file in ili this aulce anleo with magn magnetic otle var ill tion at ia deg east cast ns as follows follow ss to wit survey pf af outside boundaries bounder jes of alio claims commencing at cor no I 1 of the finis and ald running thence N 77 deg W E 1 1500 1 00 ft to corno cor no 2 of finis theace na N 10 de leg 10 W ft cur cr no 1 of park no 2 with carno I 1 0 of park no 1 thence thel leey x ow 20 deg de to 10 W gia ft to cor no 0 O 4 ot park no 4 thence N 81 deg E l ft to cor no I 1 of colossus s thence N 33 lc icy 10 13 70 ft to cor no bof colossus Colus sus S 89 deg de 21 E it to eor N no 3 0 colossus fl thence icilee 8 33 leg deg 10 W ft to borno cor no 4 1 of Colos colossus sits identical with cor no 4 of Her hercules culles thence S 20 do deg to 10 I 1 K E 1500 ft to cor no 3 of thence X N 87 de lex 27 W tal ft to cor no 2 of Iler cules thence y X 20 dc leg IQ 01 W ft to eor cor no 3 of park fark no 2 thence S 84 dea IV 1500 tt ft to cor no 4 of park paik no 2 1 1 identical yuh with cor no 3 0 of flails thence 8 77 deg 30 W 1 1500 it ft to eov cov no 4 of 61 aims lii is thence N 20 de leg 10 W ft tocoi to cor yo abo I 1 of finis ther of beginning a atonal total and net ilet area of acre aure sall of which is applied for there being behig no conniett conni ets and commencing at acor cor no I 1 of alib pirk mill aate and running thence S 2 doy deg 51 W V 5 51 ft to vor cor no 2 ghenco S 84 leg deo 39 E I 1 ft to corno cor no 3 N 1 deg 65 55 K 1098 ft to cor NO 4 aw an side line of fluis finia lode iode thence S 77 7 deg ft to corno cor no 1 tile the place of beginning continuing colit a total and net area of acres w res f all ot of wa which ilch is al applied pIled for there then bein being no conflicts the resumed general course oy direction of the tit veins ve his or lodes are aie as shown upon the plat I 1 S kaid lid clain s arc 11 c located li ii the s w U 1 I see sec 23 s e V 1 1 and ana v i w v aj see sec 22 n 1 l w it c 1 kec la 17 and n wj w 1 l see sec 26 tp 28 y S 11 it 4 wi unapproved survey IT S M BI no 2 hears bears as follows f from roni cor no I 1 of each cadi ot of said claims ainis cl Her hercules ettles s 7 15 leg dey ar AV ft colossus 73 leg 47 IV iti park no I 1 and park no 0 deew W 1 ft finis s 88 leg deg 23 20 IV ft and park mill site it 84 81 leg deg 58 IV jeet sald said claims it in are ot of record in ili thoo alie office mee oath of the 0 31 recorder county nt at junction utah aa fo follos llwis hercules in book 11 page 1 l abiud ji in book 13 page Colos sti in it book 11 page 86 and anid in Iii book 13 pagel 1 park no 1 in ili look book 11 page lingo 28 and uius ii 11 book 13 page parano park no 2 in ill book 11 page ulica abul in ill book 13 1 page alam finis in ili hook book 13 page lou anil and I 1 park ParRA M lill site in ili oak 11 page pa ge 1 the nearest ne artist known location Is tile jersey survey aey I 1 direct that this notice ho published 11 in the T ree larice tit at ai butali the newspaper klied nearest ti said ald claims cl atins for a period of acine weeks 1220 12 20 FRANK 3 11 S alleg sacr I 1 L H I 1 L gray 1 I 1 I rny atty A tty date of pill nov 21 1002 1 J JOB 0 ID D R F all EN T ta is now at the hie service bervice of the 1 I PUBLIC H r Ala machinery chinery is s up to date and as and as g good as m money 0 ney can buy i all 0 orders iders r promptly prompt ayi L carefully and cheap P I 1 I 1 ly execute executed ed south so cm distributors distri buters C continental ti R NT L 0 OIL 1 L co paints M ETE ar stove st s sti TI it glass miners PP ruse dh wave wai c hard and ivare ai c etc hardwoods IFIELD UTAH telephone no 1 lime for sale TO A advertisers D A the choice territory occupied by tho frets free anice makes it the very besl t ili hi utah for reaching tile the homes hoines of 0 le of oc atlie portions of tile state will all he be sent bent on oil application prices alkes way seem as coni compared pared with other cotin conn try newspapers n eipers hut but our space is worth it and there aber wili be no iio cutting noe boy will tills chips alia whets stones 1111 dds will bedfor cash aish D DAILY ATLY STAGE S LINE currying carrying the V U y W 0 o V S mall lall biot between S MARYSVALE arid alid PANGUITCH with hlo grande ivest A 1 cra trains to ro winolon Ai noLon tion leq ago 1 5 50 0 tt 2 niu 50 poin tsin JO JOSE JOSEPH W prop |