Show EXAMPLE OF GERMAN THRIFT I 1 FT stones on the roadway made of value to property germans find that it pays to encourage peasants to free their fields s of the property rises in value taxing value tho the stories stones thrown into heaps by the roadside are purchased by the district road repairing commission poor men inen who otherwise would have to be supported by the almshouses are hired to break the stones and then are aie trained to the work ork of repairing the roadbed the money to pay the men is made anade by auctioning off to the highest bidder the crop from fruit trees tha planted on both sides of the highway when jt it was built and which are arc nourished well by the manure that falls along the road and is pushed at intervals by a road tender upon their roots tho the purchaser of the crop sees to it that his fruit is not stolen the road commissioners have no bother about that and although the sale bo be by auction it every burl burgher gher knows how low much because the sales les of highway fruit crops are arab published in the ri cal newspapers new gambling device A parrot fish in the new york aquarium is responsible for a good de deal al or of gambling among amock the small boys it has stripes of blue and red and hal hag yellow eyes As the fish turns in the water it looks red at one ti time n i 0 and blue at another whon when a crowd i la about the parrot fish tank crie of come you kou blue come you red may be heard heard with snapping of lingers fingers such as ag players at crap games are accustomed to the big parrot fish makes frequent turnovers and abid when it straightens out again the announcement comes red wins or blue wins as tile the case may be and the gambling youngsters settle their bets on the c color olor ofalie of the fish on the turnover ox e r 4 1 the gibraltar correspondent ot oi the military y mall adall describes the core of locia ing tv avi renty nty miri utes bearo first evening k guit tho the drum and life fife band of the r regiment i eln e ln ent detailed for this duty parade attha convent nt and pick up tho key serge sergo sergioant ant tj t naho takes tho the leys f from a n tho convent and aAd fidis furls in rear rear of the band ivita on an escort of oue one con commissioned officer ani and tw braim 1110 11 with axed bayonets then led lea by the sergeant drummer they play N with iab r great reat carem ceremony ony through 0 the miln haiir street to square where the ley hey sergeant ergeant proceeds to lock allane gates gatea leading into spain while the drummers should retreat on oil the sim gon firing I 1 robes p pierres I 1 C lo 10 lock ck clock c sto odin tho the abom room occupied by him himin in the of the carpenter duplay is now in iio or of mile ill e genlot an artl artiste st e of bf the francaise iran caise the clock aside from value is in most Os t into res tin 1 on account of the curious works tho the face is of copp copeci ci and has only olly 0 one ne hand at the chicago 0 this clock iya sari object ol 01 ov much interest it is to be placed in the Carna velet museum yby by the sida of the great clod clock of the tuileries Tuil eries erles which I 1 stilt clcil ab 0 many historical hours houra from tile tho time of the directory until the burning of the tuileries Tuil eries on the evening of may 24 1871 |