Show WEEKLY MARKET GRAM U S bureau of markets washington washing ton D C for week ended feb 21 19 1921 2 1 fruits fruit and vegetable tables sacked ro round und white potatoes held held at pa per r lbs iba I 1 0 b northern shipping 8 stations chicago carlot car lot market up 20 loc at t 1 1 packed jacked round hound whites shaded showed f urther further weakness at western new york shipping points reaching 90 new york market weak sacked stock around cold storage baldwin apples firm western wester ri new york f a 0 b stations around 4 25 per bbl abbl baldvins baldwins Bald HaId wins steady in city markets at northwestern extra faney fancy Wine saps steady now new york and boston 13 3 50 per box pittsburg middle wee western tern markets mostly tra may hay nad and feed ilay hay markets down 1012 on all kinds timothy receipts receipt 8 generally light but equal to the limited limite d demand heavy receipts alfalfa mostly c of f low grades from northwest demoralizing kansas city and omaha markets prairie also in light demand at lower prices quote no I 1 timothy new york 31 60 50 philadelphia 24 Pitta pittsburg buric 24 60 50 cincinnati 23 chicago 24 st louis 27 no I 1 alfalfa kansas city 1860 1850 omaha 18 jacksonville a 0 raville 32 EO memphis 28 no I 1 prairie P airle kansas city 12 omaha minneapolis 1550 15 60 chicago 19 pacific coast southeastern ani na southwestern feed markets weak with low lower e r te tendencies n dennies den cies middle western and nor northeastern t b ea t e rn markets firm job jobbers bers demand good but country trade unsatisfactory is cocoanut Coco anut meal in good a supply per in pacific coast market and otter ed ad at 24 transit wheat eeds feeds higher L linseed i ns e e d m meal e a 1 c cottonseed ot t 0 n s e ed m meal ea 1 a and n d h hominy 0 m 1 n y f feed e e d e easier a si er g gluten 1 u t e n fe feed cd u unchanged n c h an g e d stocks large movement good beet pulp quoted 34 4 lower than week a ago 40 and in poor demand akmand quoted bran 21 ald in nde 1 2 2060 05 0 r rye y a in id d ain 1850 IS SO minneapolis e a anpo iia 3 36 6 per p e r c cent e n t c cottonseed apte n seed meal 2660 2650 memphis 33 chicago linseed meal 1650 Minnea minneapolis buffalo no 1 alfalfa meal 19 kansas C city ity 21 60 st louis white hominy f teed eed 23 st louis 30 new york gluten teed feed 40 beet pulp 32 philadelphia 10 chicago grain prices advanced at the opening of 0 the weeks trading upon continued ti reports r is of gr green een bugs la in southwest A three day decline then set met in as a result of overbought con conditions actions alt ions larger movement small demand lack of export business and colder weather in bug territory renewal of export business and light offerings started prices higher bagher on the and and the week closed with a not net advance of bac in chicago march wheat lc ic chicago may corn country offerings s southwest 0 u t not large but consignments consign ments I 1 liberal i b e ral result last weeks sales on advances cold wet weather continues in in n so southwest u th w es t b but ut b bug ug r reports e por t 0 still stil I 1 coming g f from ro m T texas e xa a an and d 0 oklahoma k 1 0 m a V visible isible supply wheat decreased bushels during week good wheat demand minneapolis with country mills in market for spring country offerings corn very light visible supply decreased bushels buhlis during week chicago march wh wheat at closed 1 may lay corn minneapolis march vi wheat beat up lc ic at 1 kansas city march lc at winnipeg may ac at 1 87 chicago may wheat live stock and meats sheep and lamb prices at chicago advanced sharply the past week most trades grades of cattle wore were moderately higher whilo while hogs declined per bs be light weights declining most pat lambs and yearlings yearnings year lings up 7 ac to feeding lambs were steady ste ally to higher beef steers best cows and heifers heffers gained lower grade b butcher acher cattle unchanged feeder steers advanced advanced 1 I feb chicago ahli a go prices hogs bulk of sales sale 8 8 85 cv 50 medium and good beet beef steers 90 butcher cows and heifers heffers 4 9 25 feeder steers light and medium weight veal calves 92 1 fat at lambs feeding lambs ye arlins tat fat ewes 3 75 0 6 eastern wholesale fresh meat prices were higher compared with a week ago beet advanced lamb pork loins per lbs ibs veal and mutton steady to 1 higher feb aist prices good grade meet meats beet beef veal 1 lamb amb 2 21 mutton light pork loins 21 heavy loins 1617 dairy product a butter prices have advanced dally daily the past week and market Is very firm stocks are well cleared up especially the better grades receipts of fresh butter at chicago not equal to demand and storage is being taken snow at new york has delayed deliveries and prices advanced lc on the at three eastern markets lia chicago prices 92 score philadelphia 49 c new york and boston chicago cheese market rules quiet in eastern markets with very little change in prices wisconsin primary markets report increased southern demand and prices on plymouth board on the aist advanced 1 ac prices twins daisies egic double daisies longhorns 26 me young americas Amerl cas 24 bic square prints |