Show KNOW KNON UTAH A know utah lecture campaign is S being arranged by the extension division of the university of utah for the purpose of spreading knowledge of utah its resources industries and natural phenomena omena through the state the program lias has not yet been fully arranged but will include ur dr J E D broaddus dr karl hopkins dr C G plummer dr J H paul and dr F J pack as lecturers on various phases of nature as exhibited in utah community development and early history will be told of by levi edgar young and dr E E Fric frickson ksen mr harold goff will speak of utah poets and nephi L L morris of the place of utah in th the e art world operating cooperating co with the state institution in this movement is the kiwanis commercial rotary an and d other clubs in speaking of this plan fred W reynolds extension director mentioned the attractiveness of the subjects and the eminence of men who will extend information about utah throughout utah by means of lec trues illustrated in the main dealing on specific subjects on resources achievements attractions and life h fe |