Show REPLIES IN conciliatory TONE FRANCE WILL ACCEPT TH THE I 1 VIEWS OF UNITED STATES ON makes reply to secretary hughes note in amicable terms answer being construed as squaring with american attitude washington tin the french reply to 0 o secretary Hug lips notes on oil mandates the only one so far front from any of tile lie four greet great powers addres addressed ed lills thursday alny ill fit tta eVit hington tend parts it is 14 in the form of nt a letter from froin Ier niler abrl land to anian andor N allace anil is iq of a nature it 31 stating a full response could dot lii be imle until after nn all understand understanding ng fia fias beell rea readied lied between till governments rt of tile the four interested powers pt at the hie next ineetha meeting of the supreme council adamini administration officers said the reply ply wa was agreeable asre agre eattle pable to the lie united states and while not an absolute commitment was couched in diplomatic on a t ae language tantamount to it a recognition of if the principle laid inid down by sir mr aies the french premier deals with tile the japanese mandate over yap but does docs not advert specifically t to the american claim to equal rights with ile llie e other othe principal allied and associated powers in disposition of the former onner german overseas possessions As to yap 31 briand I say ayt that when tills till question comes before the oie q supreme coonc council 11 tile re presen attiq or of france will broach the examination thereof with the great greatest t desire to lind find a solution which will give every satisfaction to the united states lie ile reminds ambassador wallace that france has already done all in its power to lend its aid to the american government in this ni matter atter find and refers to a previous expression by france of the hope that the controversy may be satisfactorily settled by conversations conversation between the american and japanese governments reference also is made to an unpublished french note to tile the united states on yap yale in which france confirms that at meetings of the supreme council before that of may 7 1919 when a mandate for the northern pa cefic islands was awarded japan reservations regarding yelp yap were made by ay iy president wilson and by secretary lan lansing sing 0 that note says that the idle reserva lons eions were made in the presence of laron makino of japan who hall had not objected that the question raised should hould be placed in discussion discus slon and that japan aas as cognizant of the american reservations |