Show w WARNER mm mm parowan carowan Pa rowan utah democratic candidate adl d for county clerk cleric STATEMENT of owner ownership 8 hip on management manae ement etc required by the at an of corig congress of august 24 1912 of the PC carowan parowan T me published weekly at Pd rowan utah tor for october 1 1820 state of utah county of iron sa a before me notary public in and for the sta state t of utah uta li and county of aforesaid 0 rea d pc ro nallY appeared alex H arz choh who having b been duty duly wm according crar to law dec denos ti 3 and tid airs ava that he is the editor publisher of the parowan times and that the following is IB the best of his know ledge Is dge and ad bel be ef a true statement of the ownership managed management e nt etc of the aforesaid pa publication for tho the date dale shown in the above carton caption i required br lor th the s act of august 24 1412 cont embodied odred in section econ postal laws and regulations that the no name me a and it address of the publisher and editor la is afe alex H H et rillo carowan parowan utah that the 0 owneta e are the carowan parowan publishing firm printing ting company and that the names and it addresses of the stockholders owning I 1 per cent or more of 1 the he amount of stock are H D basics L N marsden H J wit wilford ford do dai james C robinson jr ch chaa adams s alex H rollo all of farolan parowan utah ulan ALEX X H ROLLO editor publisher sworn luand to and subscribed before me this day of october 1920 seat seal JOHN T MITCHELL notary public |