Show MINERS TO STRIKE HUNDREDS OP OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER LABORERS WILL BE FO FORCED INTO IDLENESS 0 ominous SitA situation tn I 1 I 1 presented by ra faction of ef compromise and decision of minere miner to quit work at on lorda london the british 1 coal I fill miners fillis is whose whom product is the ton foundation labizki of all 11 manufacturing eu ring in gm great britain and ad at 0 about half that flint of bont continental in 11 europe emm aab will go on strike to anfor to A their demand clemand dead clead ad tor far an were increate s 1 in wages wage of 40 c ceata per par ii day at least mm ann er era s are are affected by the de decision cial the decision was ASS in thursday when what the votes were counted tw for the strike and 1814 8 against it it majority anJo rity of 43 0 for the decision n was made by the men this thia was waa I 1 to 0 acif the gora government statement ot at st eral ewka ke ago that the original dc cle mom lion to strike wa waa due largely to the number of boys boy under ads 21 ali who hotd 1 an 0 majority of alia inman whose whom otes mes have just juat b been counter counted are the a beada its a of b this his tact fact tent lent significance to in the tha nuat of herbert smith vice to president of oc the federation ot of menera the thai untiring nothing but starvation would bent beat the them the strike has the aspect a ot of infer betas the most epochal in the history of trades unionism of hi 1 I ithan I a week it te S pre predicted that the lack of coal tor for power will deprive men arm in una the cotton and ch chemical almi I 1 industry of work bork if ITT the strike continues ahme tor let six I 1 withA with a total stoppage e of production the grand t total 1 of men not t employed played will it be abo about 0 frantically all of the contin conlin amill countries fronce france spain portugal norway sw sweden idea belgium holland italy and the new area created out at of the central powers depend on an england to tor a substantial part of their ind coal AT vv ith the stoppage of receipts or of coal the industries in these them nations nill in he be shut hot down increasing at a rapid rate rale the european army ot of unemployed played the first strike vote was for a air strike k I 1 unless miles an lenc increase resize of 40 rat cent per it daiy diy y was granted jo in w wages and ad coil 1 for cou consumption was re deuced in price 3 30 per ton th the re auction in price and the wage increase w as to be made ads out of the its annual profit great britain makes by the sale of her can coal all abroad it ba the owners and t the e government re fused to talk with the achl bent about the reduction in price premier lloyd george stated that it was ass a political subject old and not one for discussion in the strike arll I 1 the h miners ie withdrew withdraw tile the reduction clause the owners ill gllnn count countered ad with a proposition to in crins w wages 1 but with the proviso that prin production knett be increased th the wage age I 1 increase was waa to be on a sliding selle scale up or bard ro aiom ft 4 minimum practice production ion bass 1 line |