Show pa peace stamp president wil wilson will still soon have the privilege of seeing hie bis own portrait on an a postage stomp not a united red state tamp stamp however emeve for the pictures of alv ing ng per persons a ons do rot not appear on this coun wintry y a ad boudie rot ent there ther I 1 Is no in law nw which halh forbids a freig foreign country from rom thus a living Arar ilso and the peace stumps stamps in preparation top ran n ur uruguay gurl it 1 Is understood they a at atme eady cady lne been issued boon bear tile I 1 por trait of president NN illson Ilso pr president luct coln oln care are of france the kings king of ta bug lead and belgium moi and ind and it par U d I 1 at il other rulers rulan of countries trier associated listed it r the war set germany till this set ilk be highly prized bv be tta bent eat B faile stiles I 1 in boys bay life |