Show 11 1 MAKE BELIEVE by ELIZABETH r LIZ LYONS j 14 fr p att acx featt ff atT lh ill wn sh va I 1 plue 9 treaist tre aint of if fifie slit on the ile little gray ciol cotlage C OD an tie the blue tie mere dolne of gold golden A au cost butt through the giant eften mind the alliev yi how be looking it ing lieck tra ou tile the weather hantin ti if 1 in to a familiar aidla MI M through tile the well billiy tile the sole ando occupant of the bell house sad saddens dent appeared 1 in the ile doorway tile the art rl he hod dark eye t kcf and ad leffy his bla 1 halt that twined f from nod under ft doln dibin y nolte bile cap tile the ihori b let C a 1 of I fl fer bright enigh gingham the dolcater dol frare cate ann or her I 1 freand son om ins r henrt it t the holl e pink ram rom alm blira I 1 on hie has ish is h she h m n it one I 1 of I 1 ai i I 1 I 1 lilma PC pendant t girl ca capable babl I 1 and ad cd 9 bile bhe p d ahe then without uniting ml 1 g to for a rth 0 of f be filbert cel cin 1 I ahe fi calp 0 her hard into at a trumpet and ad f i lied d clearly y au an one erb bell hallo i to the a whistle sounded nearer or now and oil over tile the approached tile lowin bowed vt findle of tile the kirl girl a father slie sa an fi I 1 hin as he 11 cainie 11 into the I 1 lane 1 I hn his me carlod led he handi ill in clutching lut bwll ching ow g too tao malk mak p dialls soon he di ill dit t bance and she he homad t to hold the door bilm and ad h hemy lauden bin den JINI gollip it a a hard time tor to df 0 us we be ahnen ell t wil glan on up yet an b af little have ate 0 little girl t ile he added ahmling into hir mold saddened ned face ace she che turned ansy aft ay with fill A low no the nen in a few minutes she ile cheerily h rily in it supper miller tin the lly table hie all ia will laid 1 in I fifie a f the hia at rei re I wy ry and ad the old man enjoy it he her coni in though few fee needs were ec spoken the simple raar orr or clow J pe eo aen took his lil pipe and tool toil er knitting knittl ni to the stoop near me tin jilt MI ell tile rhe son iun was 1111 no now inking in hr aind a on t ry mount t nal 1 I il alie noo a lard tile the gradual ell ch it if in h and aloft andins 1 hi a i v ns and on taho b anke 1 ii in hi lb guilles Mol llis till flew will sell 11 1 ing to la de be her enio oil llona thourl little s ahe he topped knitt mir shi d tier her father s hard hand M lint hat fis ahn A soft pad 0 on tl if ip in ica lentas came caine to the ninn man a air INA ell I 1 reckon it me mav be h I 1 bear if 11 it may be a ease I 1 1011 oil doln I 1 1 think it vas it 1 Is it is if I 1 im sure it I 1 oh ad d I 1 knew he be d elm comel 1 01 oh 1 kne A f few n seconds it proved joined her to tn in h ekht fit 1 from m the hoods near bv be b bound J it a lowde cown all aired lie ill rix inix she culled called softly rev res ret nes she whispered throb throwing he her arms around the pali ting dt d rt T slut raided her a evea t to ther heill dell dad I 1 knew hell he d conic carol II 11 I 1 D C B s so BO plain at on hia a collar he ALI arah a ant t be far off air and aee what Is hit scratched ered I 1 on the file back of tit alie coll I 1 ere the words aride moille I 1 ie come wi simiuel mal boden bobena voice shook nit nith eino cum hop loo well ell vou an do non t icae to make mahe be believe 1 I at with me inc any longer g the old tit man an turned and 11 limped ped hou houseward sevard ahe I 1 he rose A long a a Y he hallo 1 broke books the still mill wf hos a dis distant an t bistle anan answered ered from the h leagea he sank I 1 hick agim on deih the is stoop find to tinned ed her attention to the C ne at la her r feet feel A aa sho bv patted tied in his sott 11 lack hack lie her fingers out it lined tile service alc and ad wound stripe ahill n aich had bad been sheered on hit his coat cast oh hr K youve been oath him nil 11 dareng thee two tivo long ears nil the alt tile tie arne and it hem been waiting we wailing mg but rone now he s coming back to me and I 1 thought lie he nas w as never to return retain the told me so se but bill I 1 adit be if litta s her hark I 1 A 19 1 9 slipped 1 in ill the path ne wnm and ad tall fall stal oart form farm emerged fr arom the wooded de dap p lif le A moment cut suit ind she he was held in a law close embrace iniss mollte bildz vollie lm too 10 homa later inside tie the little C cot laferl T m tage D ild t told 0 I 1 the too 0 go of er II 11 maille I 1 scollie close in m totaling ailcie and ht chahid ch alid I 1 loaded here ce just a week ago and come am up he here to the mountain bast aa 11 fast as I 1 could oh down david to think thick in murmured ird milie h how law long I 1 ve me Is be belie e h 1919 ale mcclura an newspaper Newa paper a to an I 1 doon |