Show ft paro a rowan wan vim GS published every wednesday Wed ss cam company camy Y and manager editor alex H rollo subscription RATES 1200 on onic year st six M months the 50 ahr thre montha month always payable in advance entered a second class mail matter at the post port office at carowan parowan r utah october 27 1915 advertising raw rates made known on application prices reasonable carowan parowan drw Pa rowan utah sept 17 7 1919 cot colic and nd its rm dy in hh bogn mrs A H hall 11 Caa eville mien mich saab Vs 1 I wish to thank you for your grand good medicine mB dicine chamberlain colic and diarrhoea remedy wt we are never without in the house and I 1 I 1 am sure it saved our baby lift this thia summer 11 mra mr mary carrington maseville caseville Ca seville mich says 1 I have used chamber laina ams colic and diarrhoea remedy for years yeara and it has always river given prompt relief MITCHELL BROTHERS dealers in and breeden Bre edera of CHOICE SHORT HORN I 1 CATTI E if you C contemplate Conten tc PI plate te buying see our herd held first EVERY ANIMAL REGIST registered FRED LVERY PAROWAN UTAH 0 OFFICE wu aoto or dr rk R k hy 1 11 idoft hr t in to lots D leonrd ll 11 J t 50 in S I 1 Q butth ORS 11 LEONARD EYE EYB EAR BAR NOSE AND THROAT un 1 silver iha SSU W naw mill akl all es fourth fanth floor Tn leht Bufi biddix dinc 25 years in the business still buying HIDES PELTS wm pritchard ard aard parowan carowan Pa rowan utah LEMMON HOTEL MRS I 1 A LOMMON N HOMELIKE AN COMy FK HIT LE BEDS MA WHOLESOME W ECLEA PARWAN lacatel a opposite op it drug U store MAH A T LAWRENCE plumber estimates free satisfaction Salis faction n on all work price a reasonable BEAVER BEAR cry CITY UTAH RANDALL L JONES A Achile ct office 1 in sho shep stor building cedar city utah DR F J BURTON physician surgeon marown utah offa io N cur afi hh hu in onic off R houn 2 W 6 1 m L J ADAMS licensed abstracter notary public I 1 01 0 jsn ow 1 clark i coart HOUM P carowan parowan Pa vow rowan an utah tab 1 l as as JOHN 1 MITCHELL abstracter abstracted NOTARY PUBLIC 3 parowan carowan utah deals deala in in groceries notions notion perfumes Per fumei tobaccos cos etc ia right goods at right prices ass sa sg isas S rss ROUTE YOUR EXPRESS by way of lund land leflie leae orders at the mal matheson aeson s I 1 meat market we make trips two and three times time per week I 1 if vou von have express to send end to the railroad leave it at the met meat market and we will attend toil for yuu you careful attention given to all orders prompt service LEIGH GREEN lund lun d utah ta fe S SS SS ptsy matheson meat market PAROWAN UTAH I 1 D A 1 M MATHESON A E N proprietor i I 1 u FRESH BEEF MUTTON PORK FISH ETC y aft IN SEASON ALSO CURED MEATS im 1 ai N AND PICKLES b E SS sa THE ELITE T S fi Is the place to buy your ice cream 1 popular soft drinks candies etc meals and lunches served during the fair yr ja dy D y 6 cesry y P SS sa 5 f S n URIE MEAT MARKET cedar city utah 11 i GEO K URIE proprietor fil AJ fresh cured and canned meats loose lard fish and i tropical fruita in season H butter cheese eggs egg and high Crade Groceries M COUNTRY TRADE SOLICITED MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION g agg ig igge u ecim gg 3 SS 2 SS y EFFICIENT SERVICE 0 fi 1 with our equipment and expert met chanice we are prepared to give 13 efficient service 1 end and satisfaction jsn is uro boti ff otia la 11 I 1 we carry automobile abc acc accessories ess ories and parts gas oils and greases tp parowan carowan auto com company pany 5 sa ss t aask r WE WELCOME SMALL depositors the ban of iron county has haa built a pi reputation for ta ing cat e of small do poet tois ly we welcome such customers both in our savings and commercial banking departments and wint want to do all in our J power to help chent make progress pi pl ogress in a financial way i 1 BANK OF IRON COUNTY PAROWAN UTAH routes and a I 1 E suits fine is I 1 grownups grown ups ingrown grocers at M 9 |