Show A remark ek quite quit a p prevalent ent in carowan ar wan on oh gwan the office officers can an t catch us the ram sale bale at salt lake city dr drew bandre hundreds d a of sheep men there them am fr from every aeeti of the state many pan purchased he valuable ammala at d id it hum an t home on alvin hanson he has commenced IS the ha hauling tiling of coal from cedar for th the carowan parowan school building he has the contract to haul in the neighborhood of 75 tons and will try to have the job completed before ex x move cold old weather rumors are afloat at present thai carowan parowan is to have another the garage within six BIX months N new modern and up to date who is to erect it we in have been unable to nod find out orn once ni more we hear that someone contemplates contemplate the erection of a 10 moving picture theatre we would much rather me bee the actual erection than hear on BO much talk about it heard on the street corner carner oh sure aure ive got fiot about five gallons and a half of dandy stuff for the fair let you have mria if you come me around officer better lame keep P a strict lookout for bootleggers someone wib wi capital phou should id ere erect iti a I 1 few email i in n houses idame for renting po pur I 1 dwars F aiom a who what we can an rican glean the new w proposition ht hotel e 1 proposition has been postponed to for r snot another her year |