Show greatest national asset petroleum and its products can well be mid to be our greatest national asset the exports to date exceeding 4 or more than the gold mined in america since inc na its discovery the annual production product loo of oil is now eight times in value the production afeld of gold and ad it equal it if indeed it doea not at axe exceed a ed the annual output of ail ij of the minerals as aa well a as all other the precious and ml gems game combined there are 0 over yet byproducts by products made from crude oil ali they include benzine gow gasoline line A naptha kerosene fuel and ad lubricating oil paraffin aap asphalt hIft products axle grea frrese e cost coal tar and ans western states haw have been greatly hp hampered Bd I 1 in development of oil 1 production by the failure of con az ereah to pass pan equitable mes mea aaren re providing for leasing and ne operation ration on withdrawn lands land act action has been promised regularly for the past too ten years and assurance was given that inal va passage a of satisfactory t legislation leei would be secured at this of Cr acress but still the matter times draga along due to failure of cabin cabinet t officers officer to get together a and n d west western development la held up ed e I 1 it t la et another aroud d illustration of too much political cintron and regulation strangling on aa industry |