Show OF COLORED BLUE ORGANDIE charm of the fra favorite writ after afternoon nook charm frock cock out due I 1 to the material of will which it it 1 I made 3 much f ell of the charm cham of the afternoon frock Is 1 due to the cloud bl blue or Ir gandie gandil of which aich it A 18 me made de the skirt and aid over tunic tume hung bang 1 in deep tucks tuck while and the bodice I 1 ta trimmed with narrow hands bands of or gandie gandle to in white wide shree three quarter quarte r length sleeves leaves art am used and mf a ell short shawl h 1 collar or that met 1 ial at always nys bumming accentuates the its sum sm mery effect Or gandie ball buttons on linen been loops trim the front of the he sit skirt handwork Handu irk ork adds to he the usual baluto value me of awk pat pale pink or gandie 19 mull 1 te used for a tire dresa c ap oci ily designed for the young morg girt girl or youthful matron the way that the le lace Is used on an the skirt she gaca it peru particular ular distinction how bows of am nar row mw val nce are stitched to W th the under side of at the Org or gandie ludle skirt A long stated bodies bodice I 1 la marked over the iba hips by a cording of the crim A rosette mature of the or gandie firla max am aid aide and ad a bash ell e or of deep roee a bud and n hit striped ribbon marks the natural waist let the short abort sleeves 1 covest and the he neck ri 1 are ian lobed in the flesh dean or gandie gundle b bound ind in 11 the pick |