Show let lee leave the kiddies kiddie out of this thi we are ft a great strong wealthy nation we have ample capital and re raour matters cea to meet war expenses expense a 1 why stoop to where we must seize each boy and girl eirl and demand a tog ta on the gum drop sucker bucker and lolly BY pop they buy congress did a heedless job when it decided that a quick we way to get some borne easy money was by putting a special five per cent excise excer tax on candy the war or has pro proved ved candy a rood good wholesome and necessary food supplying carbohydrates carbo hydrates required by the system in paying for t the he war we all want to do our share but burden ina any industry or individual willi special taxes in addition to regular taxes as paid by all ul is un BArne rican and un undemocratic democratic and the sooner such measures meas urea are revealed repealed the sooner will industry go eo ahead |