Show MEET county no ty commissioner of iron 21 co count met aft in the court room of the county court house hoose at carowan parowan at t 10 a in H W lunt chairman wm win lund H L adama adam AM act E H ryan sherriff sheriff she riff alfred akroyd 0 claud urfe una road supervisor minute ot of the previous ws session were read and approved and the following business transacted the matter of the county notify fern farn was wait taken up the report ot 1 the appraisers was waa heard which fixed fissa the value of f the a 00 an I 1 i the clerk was ua orders to lo draw up need c ll 14 11 l 1 l 4 the same the met mat r oi 1 hu rikia ha of t aj through jo 11 lao s latin ni buck horn was waa taken up uy ty the th tru t ru the report ol of commissioner adam a aia given and the matter for the time the bond issue for road purposed pur on account of lack of definite tie formation mation was left fur suma ficone flur date the clerk as instructed to 10 inform keele brus bros of if denver that the bond Is iague would ue de postponed indelicately the matter of the county fair was taken under advisement by the th board and add a committee of r cepres pre tentative enta tive citizens cit izene appointed to carry on the work the mer merrier of this thib committee are a follows wm win pritchard mrs mra R E dalton jui joe R bentley ot at parowan carowan Pa rowan J b wood bury thomas thomaa dix and mrs mr E C watson of C der dar city 0 A lamoreaux miss leona june of par aginah tonah af herbert white while of summit H J doolittle of lund wallace william of kanara Ki narra J W moore of prout H E harrison harnago of newcastle said committee are to act for the ensuing two years alonzo christensen was wait appointed health officer and register of vital statistic of the newcastle precinct to fill the vacancy caused by trie resignation of mario mann platt the county road supervisor gave a report of the road work in the county upon the application and the request of S J ward an ap promotion pro of 50 00 was allowed for the little creek crack canyon road other road work in the county was discussed at length and a motion was passed to get fret in touch with ith washington county relative to road work that might interest both counties A communication from the mul mid valley farmand farm and irrigation company was presented and discussed sup D claud uric une was wait authorized to co operate cooperate with this company in setting certain roads roada of that district in ID repair as won soon as possible the clerk was instructed to notify david thorley to keep the water from flooding over on the county highway which leads from modena to tat enterprise the reps repairing ag of nt the county road west of modena was wait referred to corn com lu lund the sheriff d report of the in ape spec clion tion of brands and hides for the county were read and approved county agent esplin upon his hia own motion wait waa given an of 00 for for the purpose of destroying rodents in tie ki county the plate dixie power company was waa ted a franchise in and for iron sign county ater of drawing up a w the ed regulating the C county bounty ord the spread of metor for ate referred to tiou diseases was wait seen fan ad to write the clerk wait waa arc it he had S r 1 I W bergstrom BerR atrom the th beaith appointed county it and that he must the oath of office and give a boo for the same am 1 att alt E H aryan ryan wa to purchase a new bably tably anad nd for the court room the road near the P pace a ce ranch is B to be abandoned as a county road by order due of the board claim were as follows H W lunt 4 86 85 wm win lund land 26 ai Is L adams adam 1390 13 90 stamps stampa stationary 1685 16 85 W mitchell 36 00 arrow press 36 parowan carowan times 2 50 alfred froyd 59 30 eye Ev aTaylor taylor 20 2000 00 ruth ruin dalley dailey SO iso 00 E H macfarlane ad go 90 hillman dalley dailey 36 0 00 M H dailey batley 2250 J H R ddll tullia 22 2250 50 E EH H by ryan 22 2230 30 new news S whitney 46 05 U S post foal office or dr J W Bere atrom 15 5 oo 00 D A Lem lemma lamoreaux mm 12 DO 00 marie platt flatt 1 17 40 wm win T morris morna 22 fill 50 D W gibson 3 50 geo H lunt soo edward parry so 30 00 0 john Morte naon aso 2 60 L J adams 50 00 D claud uric une 49 28 alonzo alonz 89 25 parker ward wand 42 00 don orton orion 2650 25 50 cedar Str and others 58 edward bentley to 10 00 meeting adjourned until and 2nd monday id linday in ID may JOHN JOHH W BENTLEY Q clerk CA |