Show helping th the e meat and M milk ilk supply information I 1 faralla faran la service serve 11 a 8 rt ASt of 9 agriculture COTTAGE CHEESE MEATS WAR WAH HELPMATE amok I 1 v ita pami post B mea in cottage ch a may be made profitable HOME CHEESE IS MOST DELICIOUS follow directions given and see if it relished GOOD substitute FOR MEAT pound for pound cottage cheese contain contains 25 per C ct cent t M more protein than mod medium am ft fat side sd of BI Beef B I emy Easy to make given A choice between a nice juicy piece of beet beef and ad a dish of 0 cottage cheese and ad the ill chances C are am you would habeef take beet Bea ate are resel such a re nabat J ing pound people but pound for pound cottage cheese contains 23 5 per auit it more pro befi the body bul building I 1 ding suin substance tance for which we eat meat largely tha than a medium fat side of beet beef and the cheese costs costa about half aa aluch much it has less energy value than beef but it I 1 Is nevertheless capable of taking meata place 1 la the diet th taj cheese easy to make because cott cottage g cheese 1 la a most P palatable alu table and ad note i bious pria product luet and because it ion can be made ad easily A on a acon scale ill lilt attle equipment 1 la ketels 11 I cat say any kitchen and ad be bemuse it is an e economical and ad convenient means of util izing skim guia milla good food nine much neglected in the human diet too food and ad dairy specialists of the united states department of agriculture ere are urging timing its wider u use to save cave meat haphazard methods used I 1 in tanking big this chee together her with alth the lac lack it or of simple and easily caily 1 1 directions 1 special t probably are am responsible ji b ie the specialists ma tor for tile the CA comparatively P small I 1 quantities made do and ad abed it at present uncertainty of results and ad detects I 1 in the finished products product also aim ila hae been reu causes cs for in making ry by following the directions given ghen here it Is believed a better aud and more 1 uniform iran to product may be obtained anklan I 1 or making the cheese 1 in small all 8 for fop home use a very verv simple proc process and ordinary household equip 4 HOW COTTAGE E CHEESE ESE ECHE TAKES AK a M meks ekis mek ek IS S Is PLACE LACE we W eat in cut cat Illin chiefly b in fly to get at protein a body bodybuilding ad building b I 1 I 1 ab bi act and ad co energy C to perfo Per foultz rigi lady body work cork ork cottage it ch C chaise ile e co can supply apply these film body ce CI fic a almost ithe at as aa iwi cwi 11 as meat car and it more are cheaply for far eppg protein intel one pound and of a 0 cottage ch cheese ellent I 1 n pounds ad d air stu bieak I 1 pounds are round steak is L n ne pound nea a ch chuck k rn rib boef at U 0 pound fowl few I 1 it b pound oua fresh L ham 1 U A pound d smoked rare ham I 1 I 1 pound a I 1 loin pr pork k chop I 1 it 11 pound d hind ad leg e iab 0 lamb ab pound poud ba bread of zeal 0 on tile basis of e energy eray sup bacsu ill plied one oil of cottage cheese equals equall bl 1 ounce an aleak n ill II 11 4 minima m round iak 0 1114 ounces orol chuck vib rib b bea usi ounce fowl e i adem fh f h hem ham G 1 11 smoked ked ham bass C ounces loin pork e la co chop T H ounces hind leff of lob lamb UK ces boi breast boileau leal of vent veal meet will suffice BUff ice but bill it if it 1 la desired to market the product and to insure good uniform quality it will be bury to follow somewhat ht more a belabor ito methods th the a process pieces of a email area tit os as well as methods fid used med when it 1 la desired to produce a larger can quantity A illy for far the market 1 is dh 60 ascribed scribed 1 in farmers B bulletin 8 0 ot at the united states late department tt of alc 1 turn ture this Is the way to malie make coi co lage Is cheese in 11 small 1111 1 amounts 1 berb los utilizing only a few cups ot of suca mallte in what hat Is left after the cream tor ter the coffee ka has been removed find of all 1 start with good clean klin milk and clean utensils ca careful attention then to tile the details of malting king will AIR insure a good product one gallon ot of skim in milk will all make about one and one halt half pounds of cheese if the milk Is ia sweet it should be placed la 1 a pan pa and ad allowed to remain in a clean warm ware place at a tern tem AVOID SQUAB CHICKENS THREE POUND FOWLS BEST II S 1 as can cam the corat situation W all a y buying ba 19 three pound p d broilers broiler and it africa and refusing to use oile squab chickens chicken ash ing hig a pound A or I 1 less dressed deemed poultry specialists of the untied united states department of agriculture urge go this thi aa a a conservation atlon rnea inea suie sule serving un no derd der developed or squab thick chick ens in hotels restaurants and homes he Is regarded as a a waste for it if kept four weeks longer including two weeks of crate er a te fleshing such real fowls would world weigh about three pounds moreover under proper feeding a chicken makes the extra it flesh largely lemil from such auch by products product not at ordinarily used it for far hum a a food ad such as buttermilk ealm lt milk and low ion grade resins grains petern pe pern tern tura of about 70 depress degrees falgren Fal iren belt until it clobbers clabbers the clobbered clabber ed milk should have base 8 clean I 1 sour C flavor grill ordinarily a ill y this will take beat about thirty hall houra bu but tali when it Is desirable to hasten the process a 0 small quantity of clenn let flavored bour milk way may be ba mixed ad with the sweet mal As soon eoon as the milk has thickened or th firmly ly clobbered clabber ed it should be cut lat into pieces two incites inches square after which aich the mid curd should be stirred thor hughly with a spoon place the pan of broken broke curd la in a vessel of hot water so as ain to raise miss the temperature to in degrees fahrenheit cook at that I 1 temperature sn pera per ture for far about thirty minutes aur e ing ng which AN h time stir birg gently ua with w tin a spoon a tor for one in I 1 cut at I 1 five minute intervals on only ly home utensils Ut eneil needed at the cone conclusion I 1 oaten of the heating beating poor the curd cold and ad whey into airan email chon cheesecloth lauth bag a cie clean salt it be bag n will lit do nicely nod and hang the bug bag on A fruit steel strainer n er rick reek to dean or the curd may cally be poured into a relander colander or a strainer over ever which a piece ot at cheesecloth thom loth has be been bee laid after five or ten ma minutes work the curd card toward the cent with a spoon raising and lowering the ends do of tile the cloth helpin make the witty ably drida drain faster falter to corn the deeming tie the tb ends of the bag together and hang it up sine since 6 there is same borne danger that the eurl curd vill nill become too illy dry draining should top atop when allen the ill whey geagea C to flow la I 1 a steady ready stream the curd la Is then emptied from the bag and worked with a spoon br ar a but ter pad paddle it Is until it becomes fine I 1 la gra grain in smooth and of the cound consistency tent of mashed polete sour a or beet C cream moy may be addid to hi increase chicre cre r the th smoothness and and lr im prove pis aba flavor 0 thin the tit chese A in T 1 I d according to busts beat about ow ona teaspoonful spoonful ten to a pound of curd SO because of the C ease with shih the th cheese can be mude made it is dis desirable at ruble to make it often so BO that it may cill be eaten fresh still although h it if it to Is kept cold it will not POU to tor several day anya it 11 the me ch cheese Is I 1 not at to be eaten promptly it should b be stored stared in so an earthenware sir th aa or glass gives vessel rather than in we a or of tin or wood and kept in a cold it pine als |