Show dark gowns embroidered in gray cray f black franks embroidered in gray grav arna and black embroidered 1 in ell it mr ver are among the foremost tore successes lc in the season a showings of no new ideas tt it Is a sedate combination even an when the embroidery la Is elaborate and in a told pattern and it proves to be an aa effective ahen hen very nark dark blue bine called tight right blue la Is used nied instead of black the lavoll gown gonn shown in the picture above this deep blue in a dress that la Is rich enough tor for the opera and quiet enough tor for anything else co cos tamers tamera are arc giving much ih attention to 9 wre owns of this ope for their task talk 1 Is to achieve designs that couple distine tion thin with quiet colors 1 in the gown pictured there 1 Is an ad a and ad it a skirt of night blue mile atin with a bodice of georgette georgr tte draped to simulate a belted coat t mc and waistcoat at over it there Is a soft oft arr rd of the iglar georgette 1 1 and I at the left at side an unexpected and pretty touch 1 in two long ends ruch each of narrow seila rot re ribbon much lauch of the embroidery which Is a KB important feature on this season s rims dresses la 1 it done 1 in long a stitches ch a and steely worked the eff effect a et ts Is good wed the work it a goes quickly but tm bide aide bond bands on an the lumc handsome domene gow w pictured are not embroidered 1 in this way war many of the stitches are am a short hurt and set close together this put pattern or a la Is striking and exactly suited I 1 to a ih the varn used ased for working it out art th tb dress la Is simple in 11 design end and needs to be since the things to bo be elpha sired in it are the lovely color combination do and th the a held bold and ad rich I 1 embroidery brol dery A rims dress of this kind bind calls for far a hot hat that will viii play up to it and it a broad br marred brimmed model 1 in velvet or velve and georgette of the same dark blue cof car ann hardly b be to too simply imply trimmed rioha such a hot hat 1 Is shown in the picture R and I 1 might be in black v with ith as goo good I 1 results the pumps are of black pat pa ent art truth leather |