Show college publishes illustrated booklet la 1 an ill nitrated linol altar let entitled th the 1 till I to service just juht published by the uenh astir agricultural initial college on an excellent idea Is 1 ghen I or of ine fur far reaching bills and beneficial ifill I 1 n 8 of if tit the work 71 of the institution the ire booklet 11 s ill alie giant islas the son catt onil 1 wallace institutions of tit the lead land it have be been 1 lu helping tile tie fedell gener merit ment meet the pm ain I ihaas crisis which Is if bonfi online ag the nation auction and ad 1 ili d the in ill riling citing the specific bif re results a it that halt tile the ulan pill aar I 1 cultural collince aa 18 1 I 1 lulled it points plant out at that it atie college was a able 11 to 11 lucle increase Inci ease the nc re rene id planted led to form in no I 1 crops to pe i in guies ocr acres it while an increase of 1 acres me was red 1 in furm fact load land fully dairy cattle time Incie 1 in number another b bv 2 head 11 IV hend head of ranee age tattle ill war were fidd adalid d to utah herds 60 head of shepp hp h P 13 0 ion hoi sea gas 8 has hors and ad petit poultry aly to the number of the th seed shortage huh so con menacing I 1 in early spring P ring solved by a tuneful distribution of seeds c and m ofa work is now well dmd under way t to solve ive lor or the farmer the war marketing katic problems that increased production 1 is sure are to produce the buckler bool iet la Is well illustrated and describes the al almost I 1 bla ideal t conditions bidol that mar surround round the am student ch en t at I 1 the a in col lose lege borho the high moral tons tone of the ta in anit ais Is emphasized emphasised ed red and creation attention called to the practical as well 11 as to the caltab al value of the mans man courses open per to tile the student burde I 1 A limited num now her of corom copies 0 of the booklet ore are on hand band and timm those will be sent f fret rea to n anyone a alph ing to the president s of f tice lee utah 1 agricultural college |