Show EXPERT ADVISERS CHOSEN ram cawlina to aid senate boost I 1 and nd styles roylance for far the H house salt a lake laim ct city Y J L bowline for met united sta states tell as senator n ter will act as exert ads isar to the legislative a corn in untrue of the senate costs and prof W G of ill the Unus university errity of utah it Is understood w will ill he be the selection elect of the house to aid I 1 its leg legislative legislate islat commit tee both experts will cooperate erate wi with I 1 if the committee fro from m both houses into to whose hands will go 91 all 11 bills bill for far do de cibas as I 1 to whether bather they shall be printed ov over r the protest of senator seeg m miller ille r member of at the senate on jan uary navy if 11 confirmed ill the appointment of 1 mr r rawles has as a member of the he ad clr v viborg 0 committee o ca which w will 1 I aid the legislative reference committee after seventy savant two hours hour of work marked by a contest between D D mckay of weber and J J boyden of summit fr for chairmanship of the pub lie utilities core committee couttee of the house the house com committee cittee on committees reported out at the standing leading committees I 1 on january 10 mr me mckae landed an ad the chairmanship of the committee dilme but mr boyden was also placed on the committee governor Bam bergers request that the democrats at a of the senate basic modify the terms of ill the 8 public utilities Is bill I 1 if which was to have bar been introduced trad in list hat body on january 10 disarranged the law making makin g P program 9 ram of the upper house inches inclusion a ra of concerns other than common carriers carriera rod and telegraph and tolo telephone lines was do deemed ed to too red rad ical by the executive and d he requested that ill t the measure be made ad I 1 to I 1 colato conform to in to the bill introduced by senator evans two years ago age that measure included include cl in its provisions only public service e corporations orp oratio a As I a result ot of the governors governor s re ques quest t the democrats forced an early mijo adjournment and spent tile the greater part of the afternoon in retraining refraining the utilities and other the administration measures assume governor bomberger bamberger was vias authorized to in engage a messenger during the sessions ot of the legislature a on motion ati a of senator oso olson A communication fr from tile the house we was read advising the senate that the appropriation tion bill passed by the senate sallow tuesday Toad ayad had been passed by the house bouse senator wootton introduced a bill r regulating aa and ad limiting ill the liability of ann keepers hoarding boarding house hour ise and imig leg ing ban house keepers imars the me measure saute pro pre side that the proprietor of a CC cannot t be held responsible fr for the loss of valuables it if the van um keeper provides provide is a vault and not notifies guests bot that the vault is IB for their production it ate also provides that the maximum sum for fill which a hotel keeper may be hold held re is efforts effort are am to be made during the present session of the legislature to obtain bill an up appropriation to build I a by I 1 tem of roads to BI all I 1 I 1 of G the county crity seats the state I 1 in order D that is t fr travel be in 0 elak the counte autv seats to and ad salt lake t tween may lie made ad easier |