Show what stumped him many instances have been quoted of 0 the he ingenuity of the schoolboy and the alie college man in answering exam anat nation on questions question in foreign languages lut but seldom has baa 4 hard bard greased under graduate displayed the inventive lva go ben lus lea shown how by henry W savage sarnia when his knew knowledge I 1 edge ot of french was put to the test to a parisian pel ainD cate is acom some years year ago go according to george ado ada who was with him at the if time savage prides himself on his fr french ch ho he had just soma succeeded ded by dint diet of th the most meet I 1 in tense sort of at concentration I 1 in ordering those copper colored yat known knew to the of part paris aa being 9 the ilia oldest inhabitant then flushed with victory ho he rashly decided to follow up his sum success by ordering rd rIng arm acme horseradish horse radish the french w word or tor for horse radish had bad completely escaped counted his hia memory nothing daunted ho he became dw at once or logical and ingenious so hose horse Is cheval said 1 I he A to ad ade cheval and oil red hi is rouge all 11 right but I 1 in damned if I 1 on can remember the french word for ish fall |