Show UTAH STATE NEWS bounty beauty on six alx hears bears killed hilled in city hook creek canyon near car salt lake waa 1 col I acted E baat at week A natural total bridge larger and higher th than I 1 lay any other known in utah has baa list been discovered in iron county it t la a reported twenty thousand spectators witness odium ed the parade held la in honor bomer ot of no ni shee shea princess of the suit salt festival at salt lake city C hy monday night B postmasters will hold held their a annual I 1 convention vs in provi day october 6 according or to announce ment bent out by the association see wit while a walking wal kinc on the file denver rio grande railroad track john wood bon house a a pioneer of lehi was waa in it scantly tur killed hilled when train struck him despite a shortage of funds fund for far road read purposes more than thirty tw two ran miles at public it highway it way I 1 in 1 11 weber se county ell ty I 1 have been improved d aring th the pres prea lot ant year I 1 according to the farmers toga organization tim only 2 acrea ore ot of land and to in weber v county ty are devoted to f tell raising while 1 la imle aan a or are it devoted r doted to other othe far arm crops coup oen will william 11 owen a 95 11 years or of age P probably the oldest minor miner in I 1 utah lied led at his home in salt lake on an sp sep 11 infirmities incident to old age were the cause of death A two quart r t bottle battle of preserved re therie brought cloughl twenty days in he be city jail all tor for james jamea mcnally 63 62 years of at ag age when he was convicted it at ogden ot of leaving having stolen the fruit brud the daughter ot at mavis aaker it dairyman aya of ogden sustained i free fracture ure of at her r right ight log leg above the nee when the team of horse horata attached i a 0 h her or fathers father dry dairy wagon ago ran way away aa 1 part or of a ration national move movement out backed ked by many napoleons cons ot of indus ry throughout the un united tied states state to electrify america sol salt I 1 lake city Is 0 have na an electrical I 1 celebration a cebral 1 th this all 1 I 1 A permanent county farm bureau see iras organized at murray when farm irs from all parts ot at the county as huldd ambled to consider plana place I 1 lor or ili the air pro notion and the welfare a ol 01 I 1 the aget literal industry stricken with heart failure while raveling by automobile from salt ake to ogden weslsy wells Docic stader god ged 45 years yeara of Brig brigham loon city was ead ad nearly aly an 11 hour before tua 1 I corn cal abiona unions knew ot of it BenJar benjamin nm H allen alien an electrician 1 yas sma instantly killed stilled at the substation it st SL joseph near salt lake hn a pole with which he was jug ung ling came in contact with a high ten one non wire carrying 44 volts volta whal the canning calling so season I 1 in utah las begun one me burth ot at the clum canneries rim ire at this time unable to get enough met to keep them r running rig ig an ac to information received at the effice of the state dairy and food de larl re r ment e t As aa a means of further emphasizing he be work wok of the united states forest ervice U the tg ranger ath station seat float 1 built I or the be annual 1 I f fashion abow he parades paced gd it if last week ask at 0 ogden e la is to IV ate used ad or exhibition purposes at tour four fairs w within the next few ew weeks ferdinand rodriguez jose Fran francotte Pr ancona coute nd ind aquiline ardantz were sentenced ach to an b indeterminate determinate term in tha ilia axis prison after they had withdrawn their pleas of not net guilty and pleaded sulley to robbery ot at the tha highland boy company at bingham co con you yon on august S 8 hoover homer pleas an employee of t the utah power A light company had a arrow escape from death when a car tie he was riding plunged over the sioux sg road read near the iron blossom mine at mr suffered buffered several led bad aits nd and bruises around the head joseph joseoh reddick rod aged 47 years year mill max man employed by the ophir hill coa can oti oli dated mines company and we wen I 1 known know n I 1 in salt lake by union auto in inlall ill me men hot ahot eed and instantly killed his hia wife mary ules aged 2914 43 42 and the weapon an old fashioned pistol a on himself committed suicide it at ophor ophir decate tecate county andrew ad a I 1 farmer of f ama acal lehl lehi had a narrow escape r a I 1 from r being killed by lightning while working orkie or kij I 1 in his hia field on lehi bench lie he w was plowing with three her horses on his farm when a thunder storm came 1 I up and a bolt of lightning killed two or of his horses and knocked him ancon A love estimated at daveral 1 hundred dollars resulted when the old aid north ogden calling factory a frame turn lure was totally destroyed by fire for the tha past several leara cars the build ing had been used tor for a truit fruit ware houie houge and ad it at in the time thus ot of the fire it 11 contained a large quantity of if 1 ripe I pe trait fruit ready for talking packing and ad shipping to assist delist in the development ot of southern utah and in making little zt alon 1 valley 11 Y accessible ceIb ls to t tourists pir 1 1 the 1 federal government has appropriated r 1 i 15 1 toward w la the coast construction notion ft ar a bethway theo left tia na banal monument cement of which little abot villey I 1 is a part PI plans for opening far wenorn bond beail quarters at eilt lake lak with senator smoot in charge are now under older cl con aide still by the republican republic n national committee it a according card eg to Inform aa ailon received at suit salt L lake k A man of the hill wai taken into atto custody by depatie dep utie from takeo the he in when she the was discovered by north OF ogaden 1 I young in man in the othilla nur ar that the man who is ia be beve to be ba is ia shout beat co 00 years year of asa go and ad a foreigner probably tau |