Show receipts and expenditures the not net receipts for the sevier forest during the fiscal year ending june jone 30 1916 amounts to 62 of this his amount the sum of 82 was paid in by stockmen stoc kmen for grazing geruing privileges 1849 1 87 was received from the sale of t timber and 63 for special leges thirty five per cent of the total receipts revert to garfield iron and kane counties in which the sevier forest is 13 situated for roads and schools the total amount expended by the sevier forest for administration and improvements during the fiscal your year waa 18 55 of this amount 14 89 was for salaries and 4 ag 60 was for forest improte ments ment sand and miscellaneous the average monthly pay roll and a very cry large proportion of nf the ciscel lancols expenses is spent in mG garfield arfield iron and kane counties |