Show separating A THICK CREAM high test product leaves leave more skim milk on farm for hogs hog calves and ad FW flimel will make more mosey money by separating rating a reasonably thick creart cream than a thin cream I 1 skimming high test woman cream leaves more skim milk on ner the ali farm to food feed to the bogs bog curve calves and ana chickens ski skim ilk utilized in this way he haa a larding feeding value ot of about 35 cents par hundred while it if it tha milk ilk la in left in the tha crumal cream nothing I 1 IB roh realized td tho the butter buffer maker usually wants a of cream a to tasting t lag round around 35 or 44 per cent butterfat in the winter if ill the e e ream cream la Is above 40 per cent it is rath rather diffie cult colt to got tho the cremen all on out t of ona c can an into another or OP into a vat let cream azat testing about 35 per par cent in ill the win I 1 and 40 per dair cent it in the anar bummer raw I 1 la right I 1 lit for butter makin |