Show ATTEND THE PRIMARIES As aa the political situation has now assumed serious aspect and the time is near bear for the convening of the county convention it la is the time now for the people to prepare to attend the precinct primaries macies that will shortly be called led I 1 it t is a in t the he primaries that the delegates for the county conven convention tio are am selected and the people should turn out dousses mousses and send none hone but t those how in a horn here they have confidence too are the primaries slimly fatheaded attended and those who delight in running things politically choose chanow men who are not net always the men the people at large would have chosen As the paramount issue this fall la is P prohibition r hibi tion it is more necess necessary arv than yer ever that the people turn tarn out to ill the primaries and choose men that are pronounced prohibitionists whom who in t turn urn will choose at the county convention men whose whom stand la is for statewide prohibition and send them to the state convention at ogden on august ath to do BO an means that the republicans and democrats as well will place only men on the state ticket that are known to favor prohibition prohibition prohibit on is w what hat is wanted by bv need the people and needed by bv every my cw country under the sun and it is to be hoped that this thia fall the people will take the right interest necessary to turn down any lukewarm luke juke warm prohibitionists and place in office only those them men who wilt will work for tb that t which h concerns us so BO vitally prIll anon prohibition and statewide at that given to us by legislative enactment |