Show PEACE conference HELD HI AT CHICAGO BOTH conventions SELECT COM TO TRY TO SETTLE differences 1 katmo of the progressive it to a conference C dere accepted and corn co cm ittin meet but are unable to reach agreement chicago the republican conven tion tile on thursday accepted the invite tion of tile progressives Progress ives to a confer me ence for harmony A pr proposal pullet to that end adopted first I 1 in the progressive convention was a received in the hes lean convention rod and adopted senator reed smoot of utah U I 1 ala sena tor ter william will E borah ot at idaho for to mor mer senator W murray crane cra no ot of mas man nicholas murray butler of the new york delegation and former representative A R johnson of iron to ton 0 were appointed as 8 the lican confer conferees no agreement was waa reached at th the republican and progressive peace party thursday night an adjournment icing home taken take by the comm committee utice at I 1 0 clock in a deadlock deadio ck no agreement living having I 1 been reached on candidates either for the tha presidency or vice prea pre thursday was a day of platform building in both convention the platform calls 11 for or adequate na re t lonal defense reserve army and poa po erf bertul I 1 navy nary reasonable protective tar to lit aft and tariff commission strict regu rega lation of b big 9 business without per if Z t tion ion rural credits mail fl to merchant marine exclusive fed eral I 1 control ot of traced transportation battor creser conser batio of to natural resources federal ita child jb liber I 1 la suffrage I 1 rg for bomen tile the cali cal minority I ty report presented by delegate goss of wisconsin nm I 1 advocated a tariff to protect labor ith I 1 r and an d consumer C in against ship subsidies imbe it or may any kind various measures to benefit be an fit lab or ere tor for government gott I 1 manufacture I 1 anu facture ot of war munitions against age exportation expert t I 1 ot of war we lit to belligerents be arents tor cradit abed federal feder at inheritance tax tor for litt strictest littleto lete a t neutrality even at expense of n marm manufacturers clutters international army and nivy to enforce its decrees against big army and navy to protect interests of f private investor in other lands favors woman suffrage without qualification |