Show ARRAIGNS ARRAIGN administration declares declare reopen wily for mexico condition tied rests rest with president coulle lynn hyim mass s the administration at washington was severely criticized by senator henry cabot lodge in an faudress fad adl dress m which he be announced him cadt self a candidate far or re election lactic ut he ha spoke before the th ly lynn republican republic club j in my opinion he be said with the exception of the administration of do bu chanar chanan th there re has beon been no admi istra tion con in power which has ben been so BO in jura junous to the united states both at home burns and ad abroad as that now in con trl at washington T the h a responsibility for the condi tiona in mell mexico ro rests radio target largely on the gove government t of f th the a united states state 5 the P present 0 O I 1 fou found mexico afim bad an and it mexican a licau relations no 1 in had c mull condi if tion they hb haie made mad these bad con clu tims infinitely infinite lv worse he declared |