Show falar AND FOOLISH PEOPLE esever since civilization arst gained a foothold foot hold on this planet and prophesying became fashionable has there been such utter and complete failure fal lure in predictions as have ht tended the prognostications 0 the wise caen of tl e money combine even old wiggins wl 0 never made but one accurate guess lu 1 Is life has a long lead on the pro pi ets of the gold ring for he did come rather close several times A review of the many forecasts made by these leeal es ind the total collapse of each glowing promise is enough to cause every intelligent man to wonder what their next move will be and how much longer the people ft ill allow themselves to be fooled and robbed alje man who has brains enough to from cause to effect and yet refuses to see that the interest gatherers are leagued together to rob the toiling millions of the world is either a moral con ard or a knave willing to see his fel lowman robbed and to be plundered himself while he nurses the hope that circumstances will throw some ot the spoils within reich palms abe world is evidently getting badly tainted with moral lepers for the country is filled with fairly in lellig men who pose as editors and aspire to be of public opinion who prate glibly of sound money one dollar as good as another parity intrinsic value and a lot of other rot and rubbish tint any school boy should be able to tear into tatters and prove false both in theory and practice blessed as this continent is with every attribute and facility to man kind prosperous prop erous and haliy ne have the spectacle of t nation so improver dished that millions aie out of employ ment and without food except as doled out by the hand of charity business prostrated prost from ocean to ocean and tl e government unable to meet its run ning expenses in times of profound and compelled to issue bonds mortgage tl e furuie earnings ol 01 the coming generations chis humiliating condition is not the result of natural conditions was not chused by devastating wars blight ing pestilences recurring famines nor yet by the oft repeated cry of over pro but Is the legitimate legit imite off tpring of a cruel plot set in motion by the owners of gold on the day they secured at the hands ot the american congress the famous exception clause to the greenback and which has had its crush ing force augmented from time to ame mme by that same body of law makers un til to day e find the richest country on earth peopled bv haupers paupers and men who are toiling their lives away for a bare livine while the owners of gold are rolling in meauli controlling cont roling the gov and chuckling that they found the american people suan an easy mark 1 with the exception clause to the green back and tracing the va rious financial laws passed to date cov eang the refunding act contraction of the currency rigl t to issue bonds de of silver blind bill aher man purchasing clause and its final repeal and the man who cannot see in them a clearly intent to alun der the people and the withold john bherman at the tiller Is a rank idiot and not entitled to the right of franchise thise laws were the direct results of cold calculation and have done their work well and yet with euch gently increasing pressure that tl e masses while bruised and bleeding cannot realize from whence comes the cruel power that Is slowly them down to industrial slavery |