Show A who has een much ol 01 the tie worlds world a vo tings and has reamed its ap an and aws downs things thinks it a wise ibe plan to urge upon all jhb lib men wen in camp who nho an are working out the problem of unman human existence to look toward and for the furuie the person inferred lef erred to tales a keen interest in the NN ellaie and happi happiness nebs of his employees end and their faethe fa milie z to bo be suie there are many skilled laborers and others who ho by economical hone bone t means mike ra ike every stroke count have their families Ki milies enjoy nearly every comfor t and blessing of life and male icador for a rainy dal da but thero there at aie e others v w ho bo do not in ili e as well a they could and ifould the let the morrow take tale caro care of ot itself and consequently their futures are not pio vided aided for los lots of employment and reverses often come then want nant and su suffering flaring and when death or accident befalls them bow low pitiable is the case it is i to these mis managers that thi thu Eer ser monette is directed for consideration duty to aws ones self and family is of para mount imD importance ortance these well mean ing though unwise acting men should take heed and for emergence emer genc es to fortify themselves against the darl dark sides of life tho the best dav out of the dilemma is 13 to join it hey they do not already belong some one or another of the reputable lodges and keep dues well paid up life and accident ansur ance should albo be invested in by this means of co operative cooperative help many ills will have been thwarted and much good ta to all concerned those who do no not find looth tri sailing and a afe harbor beyond wll will we think compi compie ebend liend the force of this gentleman gent lemans s advice which THE commends to the con ide ration of all for whom it is intended 1 IT is 19 my policy said general man alan ager potter to a prominent banker and mili mil downar of t duite dutte on the oc cassion of nis recent visit to that city to exact every eiery cent I 1 can from the towns tribu tary to the union pacific sa system stem that was nas my policy on the burlington and it paid this policy to say the least is very se and short sighted it is just such a doctrine of the soulless monopoly that will ere long bring it into the line of vigorous competition with other roads which will prove di estrous to the tle U 11 if manager er potter puts bis his whimsical policy in into to play on the echo paik pail city gity branch branc h to the detriment of the mining and business qs interests of the town it vill not be long lour before the public w 11 vav maz wi r 0 o T i KId LIU other more considerate railroad to come and ret get the bulk ot of our immense traffic tit tax moung vod ot of london re ports that more attention is now being directed to ane market for mining shares shrewd investors very tery farly faily fai ly judge that far for the past twelve months when the market for mines has been in a dhimant condition the development of the various arious propel las been going on steadily chere are several favorable features to lustily this change of tone new ventures have been brought fo to ward and those which were vere regarded as having merit from the firt at aie a at last beginning to demonstrate their value TUB tim butle butte inter infer mountain remarks that one of the me eastern states is talk tall eng ing of making imprisonment at bard Is labor bor with ft a ball and atia chain ac compani ment be the penalty for wife beatina and suggests that while they aie ate at it they provide that the ball and ceata be r liani banged zed abcug he the wife beaters necks and be heated led hot alile I 1 lie this would be in extreme instances none too baish harsh bai sh a mes measure sure it might fit the cate cato of borne bome utah fellows w who ho pern to deb delight tit in beating besting their wives undeservingly and with out provocation IT is said that canada is willing to come into the united slates as seven states ard four te stories nt rit ories conditioned upon the united states enting into an offen offensive tive and defensive alliance with great intrain thus taking a first step towards a of anglish peak inn ing people this country will vil have nothing to do with any suji sub arran arrange ize ment it is big enough and old enough to take caro care of itself without an adv bo ly I 1 Y 8 9 help belp end and d en t wi L h to get mixed u ur I 1 man in an of england s Luro yean or co iti t I 1 benal IT is 19 abt lafit a month since the last meeting of the boa board rd of aldermen and it is no sate ut chiti lait 1 I quoi urn will wal bo be I 1 r resent for next IN wednesday ednes day aven yea ing only two mee meetings tinas have been held bince septen ber jtb and two months have lave clied cli ed since a report of the city s condition was made knade aeise ew recoils depoi U cin c in bi be headd lucaj d aal an I 1 the t he great amount of business dip deposed posed of only by Y theAl the aldei deimen men getting down to knitting ard I 1 a meeting IT is aa fated led I 1 ly Y it tie e I 1 ondon ga a I 1 lc that ti tic e demind for silver is growing in n gitil I 1 i irain arid and tl it at alo ti a rein reign of ti r P al acol here there p r uit toon soon come 0 to o an rr pr I 1 |