Show BACK FROM MEXICO mr J B champion formerly gnp the lonell mine is slop pinar for a short time in the paik ince mr champion lett ho park tie has been fora larger part of the tune in the land of the where be has been actina as of the fort V orth and mexican silver mining company this coin panes mines are near in the state of Zaca and are d at no late date to swell th bullion 0 input of that countey considerably mr C states that the mines of that country are very rich but that mining is carried on to a greater or les extent in a ery primitive style by the natives instead of using for pup ing and hoisting the oie dirt and wa is taken from the twines on the lacks of ahe miners and of course where a considerable body of water is struck the minea have to be abandoned chere are a numb r of english and american companies working mines there and making mcney as they work their mines imah modern machinery but thie is still a fine field open for capitalists to invest leir spare cash with the assurance that the can have it le turned with bi inhere in tere pro tided they put their mines in the bands of competent miner not per on learned the arst rudi ments of mining abe wanes paid americans are from to per month and hoard the natives froe 25 to 75 cents ear day and board themselves mr champion thinks that he likes this country far better thin ho does mexico and does not know but that he will stop in anle sam s domain for some time be is at present trying to made a sale of some property in mexico and attending to business connected with some mines in utah alia Y helan dramatic and musical alliance are gme us the very best entertainments avei to our amusement patrons and a liberal pat conage is surel the reward for their endeavors to please |