Show L f o 0 j tr our I 1 1 tre mccline of ho L last tuce Tu cd tann aas in 1 itice wi til h lu tl balha and ill lully sai dilli ible their of he listen ol 01 alie roman lie fillow pi PI lown 1501 b tb L and waa ell iced f 1 pach riest allf jhc cirla history raf tho roman ml alio ho as ej 01 only which beban to be by titi nr not annl tho licit lf enda in which tins people abounded I 1 ut possible id ltd in I 1 hem a hipler coloring drawn aloin own anc and as in those to lo 10 a anier was to be a one they boni I 1 very akel tripod if smooth orr those ec ecremen resen acs til hi condit which pie ened n hen oft a story agin t thefil pride was la be fisl arne baill wilh ill the impo ible incident and alli contained in ft would not be or ant tb cut oft this lend ai lustor as any cic dence although an is related cli by two or more nation m 11 all agreement in tn ident and even of datts i et there w ill bo an out line of beneral event mafli lent to idin tiby and thu an occurrence occur ence and by this hi of doubt in ancient ben up by the active research of liter his donins affrin lo 10 eiria of ahr dp ireton in our practical hie depend is i valuable factor in cl dial pried b l icci field foi ann arri llo wini a halo of aloi about the heihs of their that stamps tile ih ident firmly on the mind and tint ho b compan on a of dates and however ray in writ gnp io brial ti ice in outline of name and of hose keople atho ajr most pait formed the perm ol 01 the it elins the of tho rom n tatt hp fram lie east of alin that bunca ot omaia poets ins beautiful I 1 pic of nea how the ancient and onie powerful cit ot I 1 io tint stood nat far aiom the con bebie cd b and after ten beirs wis taken by the sti atee of the vf oben hor e the story of is 0 o well kno n and aenni the destruction b fire and sord ot great frojan noble prince escaped nith li ddll tal old fled to i on afie caiti imattia remnant ot the bar it he built 1 and pt artil tb seek i aci nci honar 1 ua linds guidel b the aclei loep ci frequent lindin RS an i aden turc ins i landel on the act altal nar th liber po iba aleut leut milts of pta ent roine and hilled it PS the ed lind llila coition ital wis then 1 b liliu of mixed oilin J afir irvinc nas liti nus tier cluff cit a confils with thu 1 armp n alie Irn acie city occupied the lind jointly i was solo iule he weded livinia the g litinas ml bounded a city aitel his at iha end of deth de th of he wa uc Leed 1 bv hia annius Ac who cime ins etther bior after jimh a acatius Ac anius leaves the cita ot on the liber and fund i new tit called alba longi or lon blute aih about twili biily from pie pot i lis half brother ohp son and linian he was the flit fl it ot thal 1 kings of followed al bainny naru of and alien total rein aas e irs hie lat la t i ivines hid two the pl hr not ambitious to yielded to hn jealous 1 vo saiyed he throne hat the cliar brether bad i on ind II 11 aa ho son not cause furuie trouble the knit put ainu to drill rea biln m a e til girffin ani b law could not be wed dad sliu as b the rod siak ard give birta to twin boa ilie mother w ii burned ilive the penalty b lin and ohp babes thron in tiber ahe chaired to be floddin flo odin iti bank md the quick ly rp ceding wt alc tlc twins on alie fander i RK tree ihra were by a abo wolf and pian the eclar ti cleato abo latin they by a in at length and he took them to his bonu where iliev grew up with amonn the nime ot an 1 items han ahti ha become i oaths bere rere by accident arcen and by then old ednd sire Nu mitor arid when the story of alie herder aia tadd in addition to the eliy boke tl air identity wis proem 11 ewins who they were lot no time m slaying sla yint Ainu liu and le triine ll 11 torono to Nu mitoi atthe city ot albi the gwim de t nid a new cit not r wished to build on mont ono of the beten hilla OB which blome loar stands but keram I 1 referred another not knowing who was the elder they ashted to settle it bi each on bis favotto hill for a daiy diy and he who should first cc an ominous of bird should b ilia founder K hnud crat taw aix 1 ture oan after saw a alit i of twelve jt then bee line a question of who saw arst or who iw moot A quarrel i exulted that eldad in the death of remus Ro miklus then built hie city on mont 11 ind billed it row but be licked lick ed sufficient iuan to people it ol 01 the city net it foi all thoc ho had hed blood and for ex lien aas thus plopped but thy u and sur rounding ro tribes would not permit any inte lo 10 compass this dietr in cited tho EUI rounding bration ota di in honor cf ane pod bonu an 1 while alt acro intent upon the ind show the limn youths ind all the mari and carrad allum anione 11 ihu wondo thus t ikan wore treated k 1 by the kanun and became reconciled but and brothers made war upon the ilomin ard many allf antill at length wails a boin batlo wa in progress ue cultured omon from alio city and throw among alimi ilo man liusa ada and saam A and tie bilings tie li and lilu limar ruled jointly until alie deitle of the nhan lulng alone ilius wm kome au aars H andl hun alil guhrs di from 1 lie 1 iro with tins d te itson look bakius ind outlines one of alic of the of winch stands to ler bitnes nl alio til rieal and city be center of the world looking back ovar abo poa of c inge tand as thap alt the middle acs it d wn the barneis tbt walled ahe ib his ignorance jhb consiline consil e pride of the learned aila linked all in abe iron ot its i to go il nota let r on growth of blome Is cuth ahn corid looked and trembled rocked in the war t d upon the blood of battle thrived scourged urged ly the I 1 nhip of it cne mint without flinching irie how tor ani tood grew to i matut ind t purpose linn it w one no thin to each the world a leon it a mister who firt in obe 01 di kneel kiltie iNo nedie no lit but lloil ians int I 1 liter ajr a lime abe sl ot the though ty chah alie laie ot ayno lince in this school a tribe bw cating under the oat daid bleeding under the ft roman thorit leatha fi fielos iloS meint learnt a WAS tt hie t resolution 0 is the farnest 1 malc 2 eay 3 stud 4 social select indin alb i music act will lo 10 tue last deot ing until after abe balides bolides |