Show HER WIT SAVED EEB the advice riven keep coo indan don t let jour wits deceit you is as fir asit abes but moie effective perhaps will bean be an illustration of bow woman once saved ber lifa bv ber i ool courage which allowed ber wits to devise a plan winch thwarted a lady was sitting in her parlor at dusk one evening even inc when a man entered and without ceremony cei emony seated himself he hid obtained entrance to the houe hou e as a patient toi husband wis a docton abe was astonished at his boldness but still moie at his personal his was ees wild ana hia dress disordered hy had dazed it her for a few she said it you wish to see the doctor 1 am a doctor he interrupted with a wave of hia hand I 1 have heard that you ire a great suf foier ii headache I 1 have coma to cure ou the lady became now really ten afi cd for she suspected the true character coar acter of her visitor her husband wis out chere wire no servants sei on hei floor and she auld not call any fot the artlan bad seated himself near the bell cord betray mc hei fear however she replied it is true that I 1 am suited to headaches ant bow can yon donea slid he filan nt at her I 1 propose to cut off our head examine our baidins and turn them over rhen I 1 shall replace them and head back upon our should ers iho lady turned deadly pale alono with a madman binl with a horrible death the maniac detected the you need not beai baid he my remedy 13 painless pi inless but come we must le so he rose and moved toward her she rose too and ith a calmness assumed b a tremendous of will SA d but sir blood will flow and my dress may be spoiled permit me to brio a towel froni the next room 1 he lunatic inada i of and she retired to an apart ment thissie reached the stans and informed th police who and secured the maniac |