Show CABLES the first cost of submarine bibles is heay and they last on he avei ace only ten or t elac cara if a cable biedka in deep water afeei it 13 in ten years old it cannot be lifted foi repairs as it is liable to babak of its own weight abo action ol 01 the sea water destroys the outer coating ot iron ane though the core of the cable may ie mun perfect the companies are consequently compelled to put aside i large share of their earnings as a lund for thib decennial of the cables uhe repairs of these submarine lines arc also icay costly A ship lias to be chartered at an expense of ind it soy bial weeks to find ane locality of the ineal and to mend it which can be done only in heathel Hea A break has sometimes cost ago still this branch of phy la profitable chere ahei cirps condict this countey with gibat britain and france and it is announced tint two more will soon be added |