Show telegraphic april 4 advises advices filin dubois give the following particulars of a fatal prize split mike and maitia lindsy both boys not more than eiph tean ears of affe and employees of the ll ochester coal company quarrelled quarrel led esterday and agreed to set tie the matter to the anza the fight came off by lamp light list night and was witnessed by a large number of spectators miners the fir it two lounds possess ed but er little interest the antagonists being evenly matched the thud round was a spirited one and heavy odds were offered in faaoi of lindsy seemed to be better iha fourth round brought the rgaret from both but no i advantage to either in the fifth roand both came to the scratch with no little iani and was about evenly divided in the sixth round both felt somewhat the worse for wear and like porpoises considerable sparring was indulged in whan lindsy accident illy fell bis chin striking a mot his neck was bicken and he ex plied almost instantly the tragic ter minati un caused great excitement and it mas all a few cool headed men could do to dicent i row between the two factions eave himself up to the ahe coroner held an inquest this evening returning a verdict tint liness Link ss death was caused b he wis held on a charge april 4 peter cooped died of pneumonia at this morning cooper celebrated hi birthday on february HB had apen ailing for boim time kiiha slight colland sunday was compelled to remain in bed his family physician was summoned and at once discovered the patient to ba from a se vere attack of pneumonia coopers advanced age was a great drawback to his recovery about 2 this morning he called hi and mrs abram hewitt his and her family to his bed side 61 in to them he knew he had not long to live and they must reconciled to the fact he remained conscious up to the time of his demise and made several remarks about family affair many friends of tha family called at the house this morning to the bereaved bei family cooperr was bom in this cit february and lived a lifa full of holois irom his early boyhood curcio Curc GO annl 5 the afternoon crime in the brunswick balac jouina nent ironed to be the greatest came bet plied ei had for his opponent J dion who had isome money tint schaefer could not against him and who accordingly studied rifet throughout but it made no difference neither bad breaks nor the fact that dion him alf was playing better thin he had don could stifle execution and great command of the rail for nurs ng he made neaily five sixtus sixths of the total game in five sepi ate innings ind put on d the beff average and t gime ever played GOO avenge 40 t run lbs dion average highest run 59 tune one hour and five minutes april ath the president has appointed V alter 0 gresham of indiana postmaster general and judge gresham ins accepted he is now united circuit audgo the application of the king of the sandwich islands is I 1 hat he be deimit ted to use one of the united states mints to coin money for his kingdom the matter is now under consideration the mint drector has aut bont to do this or at laist in times past he has exercised fauch authority as a large amount of mony was coined several ears ago for director says that the money could bo coined at the san francisco mint without antei with public business ALBASI annl 5 A bill has been introduced in tha sanate and immediately ordered to the third reading to attempt to personate or represent jesus christ by any show play or dramatic representations whether diee or an admission fee and declaring that an one violating its provisions hall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than and imprisonment foi not less than six months coi cybul ohio april 4 ET sana tor chuman fell on the steps of his residence last evening and broke bis lett arm between the elbow and er the result it is thought will not be NEW york april ah nathan S morse business manacek of the news shot himself through the held this morning in his office he died in his beirth has been impaired overwork and for si me time be has been deiy sick SAT april 5 at a meet ing of the tn anial conclave committee last night the committee on hotels reported that had aery assurance that all gr ahls would be properly accommodated it is stated the hawaiian law prohibiting direct importation of from houg kong to honolulu has been repealed and preparations are being trade for a chinese hegira from asia to the halinan islands ahe regular steamer oceanic on her next voyage will go to honolulu direct from hong reaching ban francisco and carry nearly 1000 chinese laborer over have already contracted for passage and the next five steamers will take them to the islands in the case of verona bald via on lucky baldwin the jury retired at noon and after a brief delay asked somo instructions regarding the question of insanity and again ic tired and at 2 returned a verdict of not guilty on tho ground Toy pal jtb the jeannette court ot inquiry convened to day the judge advocate announced that ha had received a communication filin dr collins inclosing tanty ave eions which he desired to put to the w atnes es bird it was called and the questions read to him in reply the minims staff d in rub tince that was tickled ix icily the same as other officers dr dra a morns iowa apul ath over of the enot pron knights templar of his state b already announced their intention of going to california accompanied b elmr adies secret iry fernn has cone to S in fi an cisco to secure PT JOSEPH mo april 5 during the past three weeks barns in certain parts of the cit have bern burned the fires occurred at 4 0 clock in the nio inin the matter has been a cicat A reward by the underwriter chis afternoon two bas aged 14 went huntine A hoit distance from the city they evcic ichu d adm sion to a field 6 a farmer and a ahoi t time after his refusal his barn was in flames ahe boys rie and confessed to filing ho barn it is believed the are tho in the oabe instances NEW YORK april 5 the baird of alderman ahne taken on the death of peter coop r alliry request citizens to close then places ot business ahe day and shipmasters ship masters to half mast their nac HIB comans womans junr ipe convention adopted a resolution ot t loving regret evi the death of peter copper a philan who has dono PO much or our et at the funeral ot peti i cooper on saturday the chuich with the exception of the center we will lr open to the public after services the body will be left in the chuich till 4 p in and an opportunity finen the public to view the remain in the pio cession all wil be permitted to join it is thought a large number of people will take this means of sh otting their ie SATA re N M A small annd of indians biking f i the burro mountains passed dening this mornine captain mrtin and efto companies are in pursuit Ge rook and mckeuzie held i ton terence at to da crook will make an ag greive campaign in arizona with a view of secret iry tellers i of out the entire band nt li otiles under tha ship of posed to be scattered through the chir cachua mountains in arigona A courier from captein BI iks coin mand has arnved askier fr supplies indman he is nt alamo gueco hueco eight mile from fors the ahe project prope ct is hia troops n ly tn counter the maulding mau band floii bonora I 1 april 5 there is acne ard excitement in government circles this afternoon because of 1 comes from newry lacre abc situated birge ban ack that the sinding sin diny auard over the powder mag aine alst night challenged a man eliom be dis covered scaling the rill eatn fired a thol ind gave ib firch foi the intruder was fruitier anit alie guard was doubled and cordei isiura to take aery precaution to pi event sui prise ST locis april 6 an attempt wi mado to wreck a triin on the Mii pacific annles coith of denton texas yester div no harm was done it thought that it was not to train but to ahn cirtin en route to mexico havicon ha vinon board to pay the construction hands ou the mexican central railway A ne pro was discovered beai the obstruction and acied this is the second time the track has been obstructed at tho ame place april 5 A to the gen wilcox as the white mountain captured by the yuma scouts denies that the ho tiles wern joined liv any ic indians killin ff of judge mccomak to aleain the indian should the bostil ps seek the he he will tell gen crook all gen afook and part armed at il cox this evening SAT april 5 john C ross assistant engineer en of the rno department who was injured b a pis sion in the palace hotel on lueada lu esda died last night VL rOK april agen geo W morgan fell down this evening breaking his arm and receiving in injuries NEW YORK april 4 GPO W dind of the firm of thaddeus ink manufactured i killed himself to day in the grand union hotel ALBAT april 5 john A wilon wife and two daughters were burned to death in their house three mile from Hait mck otsego county eaily this morning N Y april 5 get W Davis who killed hi melfin new york was acting board of education here and had in his poses sion i of iowa iund |