Show S efly cyp THE on the day before the presidents removal the following in regail to the various corn which he is suffering will no doubt interest a great many alo could biot glean the real saito of his case from the conflicting telegrams which ha c been sent from the time of the shooting to this date alie president is suffering first from the gun shot wound whose length is estimated at sixteen inches second bioni compound the tenth and contusion of the eleventh rib made by the bullet third by pic sence in the body of a jigged lead bullet not and slowly downward fourth from poisonous saito of the blood fifth the gland which is now the cause is well as wall agthe ic sult of the trouble tle abscess in the chebli n now in seven channels foul of which bj lie spontaneous openings flowing through tha car mouth and nostril hie next complication is the weak and b peptic state of the has at times i ejected all food and always treated in the most delicate manner for i eaily weeks the president has not swallowed sh a mouthful of food and danser la feared from debility bi ought on b the injury and its physical consequences and the eighth is mental resulting aiom local and constitutional troubles the physicians fe ir the presence of malana in hi and be fore his removal he was expectorating expect orating pus eliom the fore it will bo seen that he has everything that is possible working against his recovery and by his removal the ph and sui breon in charpe adroit that his case is almost hopeless bat aiom the way 1 s stood the demoval from washington to long branch a distance ot miles in lessl han fact that when the surgeons in havo al moat given him up he has relied a ain and again we are led to believe the craters of the will be answard and that a divine providence is watching over him atho is beloved and levered b so miny and that bp will in time be led safely the valley of tho shadow of deith |