Show t amsl u torices NOTICE FOR aaice 4 LAND a hereby tn t n that the follow JL lug named lus tiled notice ot lile intonti to e anal proof in support of lua claim and nt 8 11 proof bo madi the roister aud I 1 at silt on J 1 holert lo lert alo made lid ssi for the n U s w sec 12 and n e and in a 64 11 tp 3 e lie tin follow to prove lus acil anle upon and sj idland viz I 1 george potts th leek of is utah 4 II 11 application adorf 0 o 1017 UNITED STATUS I 1 ND Silt LiKo 00 la given schack att ill viii nos dell and shepherd nei duits of ci county utah ins madu for united i for the iola lode or luni in uin ah a district territory of fot of the lode and fan ground 00 fut no 73 in the field notis plat of alio an kllc in variation at 10 dc 30 nili utes oatho s 8 dc 40 w uh 7 ft ct to post 1 n de 40 2 fi ct to pot po t a 3 s dl 47 biln w 1500 feet to post no 3 40 inin w 2 j 4 fiet to post io 4 n 0 dy 47 nun e 1 feet to p no I 1 the be of surface lundi containing an urea of SS acres no conflicts from post ab int monument no I 1 bears n I 1 acy 12 w wj acot distant the eald mining blaim of ru ord in the office of the ot said district at park city summit cornu utah tin known locations bein tho superior on the I 1 direct that tills notice be published in the 1 PARK diio mccoun the ab alio eald claim for the period of belity days II 11 register brank gorlinski atty for t au 45 application FOB PATENT STATUS OFFICE I 1 HI hereby eh en that A ft street J o 0 by W ills in fait whose u address is salt J iaci city utahn is iddo application to alie GOT t of the a 1 afat fo alio af the juille lode and iii inin in milling ds brict summit county ubah territory and bounded and described as follows with magnetic var lAllon aft doreas cast nt alif discovery inona inet and running ic n lee nin w 0 ant to post no 1 the 0 b thence s lil dc oo 00 nun fact to post no 2 n 43 dry inan e alx lx feet to post i thence n 01 dis inan JM U ti cl to post no 4 4 ato io inin w 1500 ant to post 0 o 1 the lace of and from post no I 1 U 8 mineral monann nt ni 7 in hl mining bistrica bi strict bears e 70 ug min knort n aluis hannah and ohio I 1 that atile notice bo in alie puk mining lAlu d nearest the said mining claim for the period of days 43 11 Pesla tir application PATENT emten LYM OFFICE SAI LAKE catir UTAH J laai Is hereby riven eliat i by W an fn fut po couo addrisi Is lal cit utah liia for 1 from the of aba butla fur alic and picinisco sc in mining dia hiitt counti altah ln ilori b undid and ue s lah ieng actie arl atlon hi 0 lies cast att the ald n U di 30 inin w buo ati t to posto 1 s U aco M inan e ah fut to post 2 74 dog ua min e W it loo ft et to post no 3 1 a 07 de aso inin e au feet to piato 4 ass biln w fact to post 0 o 5 n 07 des min w IW fie to post no 6 thence 8 74 dimanin di Minin poat iol fand toimi lining an area of C acice aiom pot 0 o 4 U S ino nunie it lo 10 i it bo acs 57 biln e 20 i feet distant hie suld claim brims of acord in alio office of hie uintah mining durkt at laik city knon loi allon bali the kin Vill llam lode lo lioU I 1 din cl eliat tle alis ll cord tho newspaper news piper pub abe eaid mining claim fur tho I 1 briod of d ns II 11 application SOU patell e 1037 united st aea land office S lit lake oily isor 1 ie hereby riven that A V barlet W boode LIs ottomer in fatt address Is silt utah 1 enado to UK jilted for ft hit bill mont mining alahn I 1 in district summit and bounded and as follone atti mabou 0 minutes est commencing at alio discovery monument and chinco n el dc M anin w K t feet to poet 0 o 2 w feet to poet oa 08 fett to post no 4 fiot to post no 1 add area ita acice post no 4 US mineral raon iso 7 hi bl mining die us e i dl 11 milt W die hc egild calalo baing of record lil alio office of the u bt park citi utah the known being tho queen of tho and montania Mon I 1 direct that thia notice be published ao 10 the I 1 ill k decord in ai st the said cl lira for the pi birb U kechter i a vm r I 1 1039 I 1 an t S lit lake ati otili a herebi ahat W truette boja hie ut tonny in fact haeo is salt lake city utah ha made application to atio 0 alilea for a for patent for alio biln alm ilm and in 1 district bui bukunt utah bounded an aa lol lowe with magnetic ag abi utcy baet congimi inon and thence n att ack 0 inin isa foet to tho of alic cud claim thence it tea to pot no 1 30 mill WOW 71 IW fact 8 M deg 44 w ka feet to no j rida 44 line feet to poet no 5 thence n tode 0 min fatt to NO 4 di 8 3 10 post so 1 U S min acol to pot no 1 roro 1 cral so 7 in cottonwood Cotton wool w 1179 cu diet int aud an ari i of 0 88 acres ahe ald balm lalm a of record gullic of the t lantuh at ciul ally laih aliu kii wn ulina ln aig uig the II 11 1 U und mil I 1 direct that thia colico be in the 1 irl mining the 1 1 in kaid 1 aim foi alio llio i colod 0 sixty daiy diy aj II 11 |