Show FIREMANS below WB faive a statement of the receipts and of the recent ball riven by the fire company in Asch heims stole building ahe absence of some of the parties atho sold tic keto is only temporary pie vent our divina a full depoi t ot the te eilts full and ahu h will rie our people a very close whit wa cleared at the entertainment aalf of at door 33 50 by 88 00 individuals la ta 00 donated by miss harrelle Har pelle 00 supper for s mm 5 W for broken alati and oil 3 00 roys carrying lamps ai brooms and tacks libor 5 00 bicken screw 25 supper for doorkeeper 75 organ rent 2 W domb and amp 75 lamp chimneys ave 75 movina benches back to hall 75 printing 2 75 receipts 00 expenditures ca W total amount cleared 50 the citizens as well as those having the mattei in charge arc ot praise for their genelous gene ious responses to the calls of the compan another dance like the above will place nearly if not funds in the treasury to erect a convenient and commodious hose in proximity to main street the water mains arc in excellent condition and if the company can have the of a house to cover and arrance their cart and hose for instant ue our defenses will be equal almost to of larger cities A building large enough to dry the hose after use huelit to be erected and if we maike not this ig the object tho Coni piny has in view iha them all ou can citizens and the day ma come when the fire deft uses ot park city ro iv reward you by saving your bonaca and business houses |