Show eulogizing eulogising EULOGI SING A two weeks ago the laudable praises from the press on tho famous outlaw and bandit jesse james would h ave brought forth curses upon the heads of editors who now indulge in that character of editorials somo of to feel that enough cannot be slid in praise of a man who was dreaded by all classes of people whose raids robberies and murders has been so wonderfully successful and daring during the past several it is true that the manner of ln taking off was treacherous and cowardly but where is the man that would have the courage or who would place such little value upon his life as to meet this noted desperado desoe rado in a square open field we venture the assertion that not one of his editorial admirers would care the bo one of a half dozen arad men that would dare meet jesse james alone in his natural capacity heavy ledwards hae been for him and posses of men have planned and attempted his capture but none succeeded in defiance of law and placing no more value on the lifo of a human being than upon a dog he and his band plied their nefarious and avocations his career has been such that every body within hn range was in constant fear of a visitation when least expecting it towns were pounced upon anks robbed railroad trains wrecked or stopped and ever thing of value appropriated 1 his land pirate and his whole gang knew what the consequences would be if once and in view of this they hoisted so to speak the black flap and showed no quarter to anyone that opposed them in their ma career tho banker or the mei chant who attempted to protect his property was slot down in his own building with no less hesitancy than the the wild gime for his subsistence subs istance with tho james and younger brothis their motive was to rob and if resisted to murder few 1 indeed are tho raids have boado where they have not taken tho life of some cue who attempted to resist them we certainly do not feel justified in eulogizing a inin that his been the source oreo much grief and loss of pro pel ty jesse james was without doubt a bold brave fearless man I 1 be authorities ties devices all manner of schemes for his arrest but nona successful and as every other failed to capture him alive other plans had to be adopted it la reported that frank jaine will avenge uia broilers death this la not to bo w hindered at and we should not bo surprised at any time to learn of the ford broth cis pas sini n their checks 1 bo that as it mar we cannot in justice to our own convictions say that we depret that jesse james is dead it would have been more in harmony with the sympathies of the christian if he would jaae fore baken his wild fearless life and adopted that of an honest respectable pec table citizen elections hive been held in many of the western states recently in which the probable pio bable results for future state elections are largely based local elections are not always to be depended upon when state and national politics are brought into the field |