Show PARK FLOAT 10 the young tolls will hive a dance at the bouse of mrs empe THE delinquent sale of tho empire mining has been postponed until the dinst looe out for Ke eleis announcement nest w eek ho has a surprise in store lor tho citizens of the park of the lining and ceiling of the catholic church there will be no serviced ser vicea to mairow masquerade liall Is on the tapis for the dinst see the advertisement ti in another column SLEIGHS were out yesterday and the aeiry jingling of bells furnished music for the weary pedestrians ear mr jairt has leased the new store building belonging to will wiseman wi seman and is fixing it up for a saloon P B morris permitted us to sample one of the wild ducks that lell under am unerring aim this week ho clayed a monster binl on this trip A C occupies come of our apace this week to let the public know that lio is in new quarters and keeping ft braiding and lodging house furnish soft melodious music but rather hard splintery objects to fall upon consult will wisemans Wi semans violin for further information T the alst and the dinst mr JR lenzi will open a paint shop in geo andiew s old stand johnny M an adept with the baush and we pie for him a lively run at the busi ness mcca complaint is being mado about the bad condition of the hydrant ater allot the water and dirt that is pump cd out of the mine runs into the thence it is con viled into the waw mains THE fiema which is to convey the water that comes down the ontario can m avei the bench i about completed this connect tho empire canavon and the several rods farther up than tin firm of berry S airen black emilli Emit li has been dissolved mr berry continuing in the bu mess ed has a reputation as a first cass horse and gendral blacksmith and will as usual have all tho boil he can possibly manage NEXT monday G G snyder will commence the erection of coal houses at tho U S P C R R track at tho old depot grounds orders for coal accompanied by tho cash left it vm 0 store or the dexter stables will receive prompt attention WHEN attending a danco and sou eca men coming into the hall eating co es or grains of coffee it is unjust to of imbibing the ardent they simply go out to tako a i moke and tako these little pai tides to remove the orders fair in aid of abo C church begins on monday dec those in charge of the various departments are actively preparing for a grand rush foi abo ball aro under the paternal care of F J dougher ty dont forget the aw 40 while watching tha movements of one of the utah eksteins Ea steins engines propounded the following that locomotive chews tobacco how do ou make that out inquired a friend because its chew the w to go ahead and chew chew ter back fsr I 1 another column appears the ad ement of G G snyder as coal dealer mr jenne having in charge abo business is a courteous and obliging all who feel so disposed to patronize this new will receive prompt attention tins morning B T fowler wore an unusual smile on his face as he passed the cigars around and quietly cd in our ear its ai eight pound girl and mother and child doing well 1 he father feela very much elated over this second edition to his family and is re chiung the hearty congratulations of hi numerous fronds THE caboose or rather the E P U passenger gei train made its first appear adeon tho new depot brounda tho trains vm receive and deliver passengers at this point new depot buildings will bo erected heio dun ng tho winter for handsome and convenient poi table ticket office is used on the kracl W hill from ins eastrin trip accompanied by his family he will preach in the hou e to morrow elenina ev acer vices commencing at hia man friend will be aglid to welcome him bicka frei so long an absence and vie ims the school house H ill be filled to bonow evening to hear him every boji is invited to attend A wall and W have formed aco in the will conduct it in the buildings next door to dougherity Doug heity bowmans store this now firm is antei and have their barn in shape to comfortably st ible thirty head of horses they arc purchasing first class horses lor the livery business and will soon bo prepared with an outfit that will me MUI any establishment in utah A S dougherty has nearly completed his new building north of fen and aill om mance moving his large stock of fuini tuto in next mr D has a fine lot of furniture furni tuie and la selling at les than salt like pi icea and this new dupai ture shows that 1 he people of pai k city his and arc giving him their support which be deserves L COATES have had so lie made in their store and abc receiving holida good chich is varied in character and larga in variety D P apeler is alo laving in a for abo little folks and the new york in abundance of toys handsomely displayed in its win dows hoie ot our merchants e un vill add toya and holiday gooda to tock ol 01 THE many friends in park city of afu still ol 01 w wife which w ailt lly W on la pneumonia the deceased was born in poland january tn her death major lose an affect wife and the children a loving mother this entire community sympathizes path izes with the bereaved family in their sorrowing moments the funeral occurred on wednesday afternoon and was largely attended mr E P ferry is making quite a improvement at the marac mill knowing the danger from fires in a mining camp ho is preparing for such an emergency by fixing up a small engine abich can bo steamed up ind started in les than ten minutes ahe gioie will be all reidy to annex and will be used foi any tires near the mill now if the citizens committee will only hurry up that hoo cart and idile an additional sum to tint taken in at the dances for that purpose and put up a building foi the hose thal fire defence of park city will be nearly complete WHILE coming up parley s binyon tuesday mr P A bun had the misfortune to break a leg of one efio ahe road to all ipp trances seemed solid and bo was driving at a ti ot v hen the hordes foot I 1 roke through the apparent solidity of the thoroughfare intha hole throwing the hore and pitching both occupants out into the roid over the dash board on their heads the buger was but not until it ind mn onto the lallen bore ahe buggy was removed and the horse extricated when it was ascertained that his leg had been broken by the caust a hole in the road an effort will be made to cure dembei and thus save the animals life |