Show fv f V ic i C 41 DROUTH the present fall and winter opens with every kind of household necessaries higher than has over been known for several deais previous A severe drouth in the is said to have cost tho milho Bf dollars meats and provisions of all kids are going up and there seems to be no check at the present in their upward W hat the drouth in many failed to destroy the heavy rains and floods camo in its wake and completed the job the overflow ot the river in many places along its coarse has earned with it of acres of corn and other in minnesota and iowa millions of dollars worth of small grain is reported as literally spoiled unfit even for feed this of affairs leaves our country and people in a bad shape for the anming winter with the rise of produce hundred of poor families will be forced to feel the pangs of hunger many times before the wintry blasts give wa to the mild and gentle influences of spring the farmers in the east cannot gage the weather to suit their liking and water their crops like the irrigating farmer of the rocky mountains the farmers ot regions claim an advantage ad in this respect over their agu cultural brothers in the eat while refreshing showers in the sultry months of summer do much towards purifying tho an ind giving new life to vegetation lege tation their visitations cannot depended upon and abo crops ren hing for moisture must wither maturity alenco is not alone in the of crops como from many of the kingdoms of the old horld that drouth has cut their wheat oats and corn far choit of that of pro ions years heretofore when such misfortunes have visited them they have drawn heavily upon us for supplies to miko up their deficiency but this arii our grain fields have not yielded as liberally as has been their custom and america will need about all that has been produced for her own consumption what then will become of the people in the more remote foreign districts where the drouth has been more complete and their means of communication so far behind their more sive neighbors 9 aid must reach them aiom some source or a general starvation will enace men women and children must perish unless relief is obtained but owing to the general failure as it were of both in this country and in europe where is the aid to come from how awful will be the sensation of sympathizing christian people to know that such sufferings are going on among human beings and their own hands as to aid them the abul picture tint will soon be placed before our eyes of suf fenne humanity will be too frightful for us to behold too fearful in its magnitude for us te contemplate |