Show aar wiltz ot Louisian awas on sunday reported dying has accepted an ar knur invitation to attend centennial ceremonies he will go caily next week counsel is much guiteau s E dupres edby his visit to newyia under to willing lie found no lawyers without an take the defense tio nally large retainer turkey drinks tl ice TUE saltan of of cofler for emperor cupi with a hig william signs his ammo flourish and the czar of russia puts in looking fox the coming moments his spare bomb THE bonanza innocently aels whit is a lisac A didear of a species cropping me is a surface induce a float that sometimes a editor to put a and delaney the iron stephens dedwell Wll u l robber plea ded court of ar in tho II eusted and were sen kansas last saturday foi a tern of fenced to the state prison seventy years oes ROSCOE boik while mr arthur down to new from sherries in tho same direction washington between the two will be a cabinet for the Pre elected b charles J guitrau ans chief Secre liry foi ireland speaking at the banquet of the due of teck said he behaved it vas the opinion ot a members of parliament and then conolt bents thit tho lind act should have a fair trial keport of aiu francisco employed to says tl c a bouto that shall ba an eistein extension of tho cechal report a practicable load about miles north of the union pacific parallel the result rill in all likelihood tie to addition of miles ol 01 line of the central pa to the mis cefie running from osden conri nver ex SENATOR wife nov for a divorce tells somo ery her hustind in the bird on shape of cruelty on ono occasion sho test ihas he her dovirn on another would not permit her to have clothing upon her on a very cold night in washington and the last was that ha assaulted her chile dressing in her loom and a gentleman gent lenan came to her rescue tho et senator must be a mcg ular tyrant over females ouicla lidei comes to new management it has been en barged and its typographical appearance is wonderfully improved ahe publisher mr james E anderson says in his bow to the public thit aleader sL eader 3 published to make money and webe cheehe is coneck as tho paper aaa keyei under bertei headway he adwa general appearance bian now to amne money the advertising patronalo patro napo 13 largeant large and it 13 well with local and general drevs e wish the leader success IT now looka as though at torney corkhill will la removed afeei lie has Guito aus cabo lie 18 chilled with a desue t shield the stai criminals his disaffect tiow were known to president garfield ind the antoine At toine general that if the attempted assassination had been belated ono acel hig removal from offiel would have been corkhill secured his appointment through tha influence of justice mil lei of the united stales supreme bourt choso whoso ho married abig farm in dakota is aneo liagin loads 0 wheat u day to duluth oi about bushels besides this there is tco ato item of bushela 0 oate all of alieh will ato except what boraas aoa mules will oat up heat rett 1 l a bushel the cot af average 7 an acre 01 foi SO aaroa ot giacin therefore of mi dal ample halle in 1881 is legar dod as a poor yei vill ba opa than per cent on the en tro most ment r WoE RyuL indeed aie the brought to light of nai and unique foi money wr sylvan 1 an insurance iced for ilc purpose of 1 ind infirm in one case a gays ho was poo to instead pott ders A a P abc L a i laul s toniea A |