Show Now On The Scene For years employers in the mining and smelting industry have bave been lit attempting tempting to break up the International Union o oMine of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Newspapers Newspapers Newspapers News News- papers now report the appearance on th the scene of the Ship Builders Union disguised dis- dis guised as the Progressive Metal Workers Worker Council This is the most recent att attempt of a small group of disgruntled of ek-of to disrupt the one union that has effectively served the interests of th the workers In the non-ferrous non metals In In- In Use Ube by these would-be would union busters of ot red-baiting red and false claims of local support cannot conceal the fact that this disruption serves the purposes of the employers The Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Wage Policy committee commit commit- tee recently announced the program for this year year year-a a per hour wage Increase and contract Improvements The attempt by the admirals of the Ship Union to establish a beachhead In Utah is Ie the employers' employers answer to Mine Mills wage program By ORVILLE LARSON Executive Board Doard Member District No 2 |