Show Norths North's Senior Dance Success i COALVILLE COALVILLE- A large crowd attended the popular Senior Hop Friday evening evening eve eve- ning ting May 15 at the North Summit Summit Sum Sum- mit High School gym The theme was Stairway to the Stars and the gym was decorated de orated rated in colors of blue sliver silver and gold At one end of the gym was a a pretty stairway covered in ingold Ingold ingold gold leading to a background of stars tars On the stairs were names names' of the Seniors Black silhouettes of dancing couples were along I Ithe Ithe Ithe the side of the hall hail I Shorty Ross and his orchestra provided the dance music and Fireman Frank popular TV personality per per- wa was piano accompanist with the the I IThe The Hop committee and all nil others who helped express their thanks for tor making this another memorable e eve evening v e n I n g in their Senior year |