Show Memorial Rite for N Na Hardman Memorial services for Nell Nell D. D lIard Hardman man 27 who was lost June 14 while boating on the Colorado River were conducted Saturday July S. S Services were In the Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton- Cotton wood Ward chapel Murray Mr Hardman was was was' founder of ot the Lincoln Beach Boat Club and president of ot the club at the time of ot his death He was born Dec pec 13 1933 In Woodland a eon son of George and Hazel McNeil Hardman He married married mar mar- ried ned JoAnne Roberg floberg April 1 1950 In Salt Lake City Surviving besides hl his widow are aTe two sons and two daughters Also Also surviving are his mother Mrs Hazel Howington Murray and th three ee Bertrand He Hugh er Marion Marlon arlon and Harry Payson w I. I |