Show Across the tU I i County t rd Agent Desk Irl I. I rl Plenty 1 of turkey i Is I In prospect Introspect prospect 1 U I S. S dear ear r When yo r el Shopping Chopping lot clef toor your mfr Turkey look for tor the USDA USUA round mark markon on the package l which Is youit you youIt It It has lias been ted for tor whole whole- More Mol turkeys will be graded under under un un- der del the Federal State Poultry I Grading program for quality than ever before The shield shaped 14 tI S. S Grade A mark nuuk on a Q bird means that It Is meaty with a good layer of fat to keep It Juicy I and tender while roasting The Grade A rating also means menns it is free of pin feathers broken or crooked bones and has hns little If it any skin discoloration Grade B D Is good quality but but there nay may be a few pin feathers or discoloration of the skin There may be broken bones or the bird may be bo slightly mis A AGrade AGrade AGrade Grade B D bird may not be as ns meaty as the Grade A bird The Grade O C O. O bird may have some or all of the above mentioned mentioned men men- flaws This bird m may y have little meat and no fat and It may have hav broken bones and the meat may be torn All graded poultry must be in in- All AU graded poultry is safe sate wholesome food Only the quality differs among mong grades Lower grades may be used to advantage if appearance Isn't the main con con- cern One last tip lip The best turkeys for roasting arry carry the word young oung on the label either young hen young tom torn or simply young S turkey |