Show I This Is National Newspaper Week and ostensibly an opportunity ot to blow our oUt own horns a atillie little tittle Out nu there dO doesn't seem to tobe tobe tobe be mu much h to brag about except the wonderful people wo WI meet and the wonderful wonder l people eo l who work with I h us Instead of bragging It might be fun to talk about bosses bOlles 1 f have known Those Thou who bent me when I was Wat a sapling My boss was comple completely frustrated He lie had wanted to be bea I Ia a lawyer and wound up as s a high ly Iy unsuccessful Myer ful publisher lie He never nev er et had any money and some weeks I didn't get my six dollars Each morning all winter he handed m me a quarter and sent me two blocks down the alley a to the lumber yard For two bits bUs I got all the coat coal I could carry In two buckets He lie chewed tobacco and when he would spout oratory he also allo would spout tobacco Juice lie He was waa very short and had such a tremendous stomach he learned far over backward when he walked lie He taught me the Importance Importance importance Im Im- im- im of operating on a shoestring shoe string that la is not too frayed Then there was the fiery little Irishman who was probably the best newspaperman I ever knew He lie was so BO tough and sarcastic and nasty he h had d us all an scared to death death but but he couldn't understand why he was not popular He taught me the importance of controlling con trolling the he pay roll which is every every ev ev- ery cry newspapers newspaper's greatest s expense I 1 remember fondly my employer employer em em- when I had my first managing editor job lie He was was was' wasa a huge New Yorker who came wilt West expecting to find buffalo and Indians He and hl his jolly I wife adopted My 1 Lady Fair and me newly wed and he was waa as' as asa a father to td to both of us UI From him I 1 learned the value of labor relations There was the New York Stater who wore a green smock amock washed his hands ands ten times a day sent any anyone one who coughed out of the office and had his hla kids tutored so 90 they wouldn't come ome in contact with other kids There were the twins in Southern California Calif California ornia l. who Vho could cod d never decide singly what st steps stepa ps to take They Ther had to hold a twin discussion on every ery question of f policy There was the German who tried BO so BOhard hard card and so vainly to live down I ithe the fact that he had been pro pro- Kaiser in 1917 1911 From these people I I learned little lithe except that It takes take all aU kinds of publishers to make a newspaper newspaper world Also that a I rolling roiling stone may may gat gather er no moss mOil but It pick picks Up quite a bit bitof bitof of ot polish I remember fondly the gentle g gentleman who straightened and narrowed my path by telling me met met meI t I should be b whipped horse the tho th boos boes whose wife wite wa was really the boss when boss when she he got false teeth she bhe tried to keep it a secret ti the th 1 wealthy r who loved to toUt put Ut on the tha glees with m me a at twice a wk when 1 1 loosened teft loo-teft d hi his hIlt tooth he gave fare me me a raises And J I regret the time I 1 II stayed On Hr the job be because aule the theOld theOld theOld I Old Man called me a very Vry dirty name and when I offered to hit him talked me out of ot doing either by raising railing my talar salary from 2760 2160 to 28 There have S ba non too many bosses bosseR no doubt I would have been better off If it I had stayed In Inthe Inthe inthe the old home hometown probably But Bul then I would never have got to Utah where we are happiest And anyway Y the little tittle fat fru frustrated frustrate I Iman man went bra broke kit eventually r rAnd And And I might not have learned low how Jaw important Is the one thing G at bt at I expect from our I y The The- onT only cause for far die die- I I i dt charge rge around here is disloyalty T Thank ank Heaven for the wonderful creW which shares our trials and tribulations Mac |