Show I I 1 V Wrestling Bear Thrills Kiddies COALVILLE COALVILLE- The The bear has the boy down down down- I no nol 1 the boy poy has the bear look bear look at them tossing and twisting to get the tipper hand handl And who Is the victor In this fIerce Tierce tomI tom corn combat I bat No one actually Its actually Its It's all aU allIn allin in fun and part of the exciting trained animal show which was presented to the elementary students at North Summit FrIday Friday Fri FrI- day morning Three brave lads lads' volunteered j for the wrestling exhibition wit with witha a trained bear Douglas Parker Floyd Stevens and Bob PIercy I Other thrills Included a monkey monkey monkey mon mon- key key which went through the audience using students heads or shoulders fur for stepping stones A pet baboon also lent thrills and helped In ari an an exhibition of ot othow how effective good manners are art According to Mr Frodsham Coalville Elementary School principle this most educational edUCatiOnal I program was was much enjoyed bythe by bythe I Ithe the students i |