Show I Henefer School S hool Pupils Honor Old Professor Cheerful greetings hearty handshakes handshakes hand hand- handshakes shakes and a gener general l air nil of good cheer were the rule at the Henefer lIen lIen- efer eler Elementary School Homecoming Home Home- I j coming held herd Iii in Henefer Saturday Tho The oc occasion honored the longtime longtime long long- I time Ume principal of the school W. W Earl Earl Calderwood Calderwood who Is retiring after 43 years in the teaching profession pro pro- 39 39 of them in Many Students The morning was sp spent nt In regIstering registering registering reg reg- viewing old photos and nd Inspecting the school ApproxImately Approximately st students dents signed in A percentage of them were ac accompanied by their spouses The afternoon found the visitors visitors visit visit- ors divided Into teams doing all the things they enjoyed during the good old days marbles days marbles hop hopI I kotch baseball volley ball and many other games Every one Joined in the fun winner fun winner of the marble event was said to be Mr Calderwood himself Mrs Edna Hennefer who traveled tray trav led miles from her home in I California was said to have come coma the furthest with the exception I of Mr woods wood's son Keith I who vho traveled at least 1000 miles from Anchorage Alaska Others were present also from distant points A sm smorgasbord was ser served ed to almost 40 in the late afternoon booklets based on facts gleaned from replies to question question- I aires alres were sold to and orders for fOl more have been received Professor Emcees I Dr Glen Ovard of the BYU faculty was general chairman of the event and emceed the evening evening eve eve- ning program Song dance and speech with plenty of humor highlighted the program with former workers co-workers and students participating The public was invited in In- riled fled to this event Mr tr Calderwood and hl hi Mildred were were overwhelmed sr ov by the success of ot the days day's events and appreciated tho the tine fine response of ot his former students and asso asso- elates Many Walks of Life These Interesting statistics were compiled from questionnaires re returned returned xe- xe turned to Mr Calderwood Children of his students grandchildren Education Education- High school college 33 vocational school 27 Occupation or profession Beautician Beau Beau- t 8 baker 1 I business 40 40 civil service 5 college professor 1 el electronics electronics el el- 16 engineers 2 geologist geologist geologist gist I L industries nurses 5 rali railroad oad 5 5 self employed teachers 8 pilots 5 veterinarian 1 Civic positions City government government government govern govern- ment 5 civic organizations 60 Church positions ke 38 ward wora Church missions United States 27 21 foreign 4 4 stake 17 Served in tn armed forcer foroe 82 Hobbles Arts and and crafts cratts 68 58 58 agriculture 5 Si coin collector 7 music music music mu mu- I sic 25 23 gardening 12 sports sparta 55 55 |