Show From Old Files 1 Ten Y Years cars Ago The band accepted d tun an n In Invitation In In- to march In tn t the e gigantic Ii Pioneer neet Da Day parade In Salt Lake City All AU children between the ages of ot 11 and 15 years of ot age we were urged to register for lor Red ned Cross CrOM s classes with instructor Jack Adamson at his hit home on lower ower Park Avenue Park City city's Fourth of July eel was a termed a huge suc eua ces cess Telephone Co and the Grill Crill took ook first and second honors respectively In the float corn com petition Max Winchester was awarded tint flu prize for the best beet decorated childs child's wagon Other prize winners were John Green Creen Waldon Louder Rex Hex Hamilton Mary Lou Nancy Burgener Sandra Despain Dick Diet Walker Frank Provost and Wayne Warne Putnam George Crandall and Glen Wal er announced that they had sold all air their garage b business in and their Ford Agency for Summit County to Fred Me Me- Draper businessman McBride Mc Me- Bride was a n well wen known having made his home here for fora a number of years with his par rente r- r ante enta Mr and Mrs V. V C C. t i 25 Years Ago The city council hel first July meeting with Mayor L L. A. A Talton presiding and all all councilmen council council- men present Chief Justice J. J C C. Green en reported 27 arrests during June Park City Consolidated Mines s company w was s to install a new drum double-drum hoist holst it was announced announced announced an an- by W W. R. R Wade president pros dent of the company The Park City team won and lost games gamt's the past week At r Morgan Park tk City ek the Bm b VJ K a fe of MOW 0 tilt 4 b but t. t I t lest t to D 22 ft t to t. t Mr John C C. tf it and hd h hf her r 81 alt ste ter Let Mr Mrs Marg Margaret ret Thomas themas mas left leU for tor or AnaC Anaconda Mont where they wet were t to visit relatives City Recorder r Mr Mrs Wilbur Brooks rooks enjoyed Y d a visit with her sister later lat r and husband in Brigham City ity Willie While Berry Derry Wm Prudence Cliff tIlt Evans Bill D Diamond Patricia Lauder Laud Laud- er ct r James Lenn Lena Pet Peterson Peter Peter- son June Blackley and Eugene Phillips were winners prize In the many contests featured in the Fourth of ot July celebration Dr Lester Wight l leased sed the recent Palace Confectionery and ami amio andis Sa is o having the building remodeled into nto an office trl e for tor himself elt Anna Mary 1011 Polychrome cb fO n l daughter of ot Mr Mr- and Mrs James was badly burn burned d when her clothing caught fire tire due to o setting off fire crackers |