Show ItEN MY MY tY nOME HOME TOWN u e You fla say it its it's just a wide place In the road road- road road- That Tha you fOU have hare to look closely to see eee Well Well maybe maybe that's all that It Is to sou JOu- you But It U means bleaM m much ch more blore to me You see eee I was born and raised there And knew all of ot Its It's simple Joys Joys Joys- With home and love and the family f 1 1 J Mother and Dad and the boys bors 1 v I knew a quiet contentment contentment- The spell creeps over ovet me still I think of It In the same ame breath as Heaven lIea if t l r. r And Im I'm sure that I always will Ive I've known It through all of ot the seasons seasons- Winter Whiter springtime summer fall taU fall Ive I've gloried as 8 each one unfolded And thought It the beet best of 01 all I. I 1 The meadows have been my playground t i To the hills Ive I've told my dreams dreams- Ive I've paused to throw rocks In the river river river- And dangled my feet In the streams Ive I've seen the dawn burst forth In glory Ive I've seen the wild birds In their flight Ive I've watched the sun dip neath the mountain And the stars tumble out at nl night Friends there FrIends there were ever so many many- And they each took an active part They 1 are all stored up like treasures treasures- And tucked away in my heart A stranger may not catch the full lull beauty l c t. t May not see the charm or the grace grace- I Yet Yet somehow somehow It takes root within you you you- 1 IO I O Once e you have lived tired in the place You know folks are standing beside you you you- 4 i t Youre You're never nevet without wit a friend Youre You're welcomed there In the beginning x j t Bid Did a fond farewell in the end Ive I've bowed head In the my chapel chapel- My loved ones sleep near on the hill hili I want to go back when my life Is through I And I pray to my God that I will I know v that I wont won't feel so lonely lonely- The good Lord my soul will keep ke-ep When I close cloae my eyes like a tired child child child- I I In that last long dreamless sleep Gay Gay Stevens SteVeM Tracy I |