Show Vera Gleason To Leave On Mission r i I A farewell dance will be given for tor Miss Vera Gleason daughter of Mr and Mrs J. J J C. C C Gleason on January at atthe atthe atthe the First ward amusement hall On the following day January a testimonial ial will be given for the lady in the First ward chapel Miss Gleason will leave for the mission home January and will ill leave for forthe forthe forthe the Spanish-American Spanish mission January A good orchestra has been engaged for forthe tho the dance and the following program will be given at the testimonial Song Song Congregation Invocation Invocation Each Zach J. J Song Song High School Girls Double Trio Reading June Reading June Tree Musical Number Number Mr and Mrs R. R E. E Biasing Remarks Remarks Mrs Thomas Reading Verdon Reading Verdon Carpenter Song Song Song Song- Mr lr and Mrs Douglas Merrill Speaker Speaker President President H. H H Fred Egan Remarks Remarks Missionary Closing Song High School Girls Double Trio Benediction Chase Benediction Chase Gleason Glenson |